Red Sorrel "Cartier" Ivy



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Sorrel "Cartier" Ivy


  • Red Sorrel (she is called this by people in the WFP)
  • Carti (Lotus, Chrayle)

Alias: Cartier (name she used to hide her identity), Moricarti (Woman on a Mission)

Species: Human (formerly), Human-Demon

Gender: F

Sexual Preference: Lesbian (homoromantic homosexual)

Age: 18

Birthdate: May 11

Birthplace: Thornestiya, Forestiya (WFP)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Affiliation: The Ivy Clan (formerly), House of Archivist (formerly), M

Occupation: Forestiyan noble (formerly), Nuiparenthian dvoryanstvo (formerly), section leader of M's army

Figure: Hourglass, but it isn't very obvious

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 119 lbs

Skin tone: Light

Hair: Dark. almost black grey

Eyes: Red pupils (uncursed), completely red with blood constantly leaking out (cursed)

Distinguishing Features: While Cartier is under her curse, her eyes are completely red and she lacks pupils, and blood leaks out of them. She also has a robotic leg due to her leg being bitten off and then eaten by an alligator in her swamp home.

Personality: Before her curse, Cartier was a very studious girl. She loved to read and try new things, especially foods and hobbies. However, after M gained influence on her mind, she grew emotionless and eventually could feel one emotion, and that was anger; anger towards her biological older sister, Poison Ivy.

Dress: Cartier has always liked to wear red and green, even when she was a child. She wears a dark red gown with green accents, no shoes, and she ties her hair back with magic bows.

Special items: 

  • Hair Bows - Cartier's hairbow was given to her when she was a young child. Like the brooch on Poison Ivy's dress, Cartier's bow gives her the ability to bend the earth to her will. Being an Ivy, this particularly means vines and thorns. She originally had two, but she gave one to Chrayle before she moved to the swamp.


  • Sniper of the End - Cartier is a trained sharpshooter. While she doesn't use this weapon in close combat, Cartier uses the Sniper of the End to fight. This gun can kill, but when it doesn't, it causes the victim's eyes to become like Cartier's; completely red and leaking blood. The gun's magic is Forestiyan, so only either a Redwood or a master healer heal the victim can return them to normal. Victims can still see, but through rose colored glasses; quite literally.


  • Shooter - Cartier is talented with a handgun, making her very useful as a ranged soldier.
  • Natural Warrior - Cartier is naturally a warrior, and she enjoys fighting.
  • If she were to knee a man in his nether regions with her robotic leg, it would HURT. She has that going for her.

Magic/Special Abilities: 

  • Earthbending: When Cartier wears her bow, she can manipulate plants and bend them to do her bidding.
  • Carti's Curse: When a bullet from Cartier's gun, The Sniper of the End, hits someone, the victim's eyes become just like hers.

Strengths (while cursed):

  • Intelligent
  • Brave
  • Driven

Weaknesses (while cursed):

  • Callous
  • Depressed
  • Easily manipulable


  • Childhood: Cartier, then known as Sorrel, grew up with The Ivy Clan. She always loved playing with her siblings Poison and Chickweed and she was a huge fan of visiting the farmers market in Thornestiya and buying groceries for the castle. However, one day, Hanging and Rash Ivy, Sorrel's parents, disappeared. There was no trace of them. Because of their disappearance, Poison was left in charge of her younger siblings. After a few years of Poison reassuring Sorrel that their parents would return, she overheard a conversation between Poison and Chickweed about how Hanging and Rash were found dead many years ago. The 8 year old was sad that her parents were never coming home and angry at Poison for lying to her. Believing her entire family hated her, Sorrel hid in a wagon headed to Nuiparenth. In this wagon was a sack of Cartier apples; Sorrel's favorite kind of apple. She decided that this would be her new name. Sorrel, now named Cartier, ended up at The Nuiparenthian Archives. Chrayle found her lying on the steps to the door and took her in, being her older sister. Cartier, now 9, immediately liked Chrayle and lived there until she turned 14.
  • Adolescence: Cartier loved the Archives. She loved being a Nuiparenthian royal, she loved living with Chrayle. At 10 she met Veronica and was given the title Young Archivist. Now officially a Nuiparenthian, Cartier did lots of reading in the Room of Endless Knowledge. She learned how to create glass, raise a baby Goomba, shoot a gun, use a Fire Flower and even the history of The Mhilapian Isles. When she was 13, she was exploring the swamp on the border between Nuiparenth and the WFP, and an alligator bit her leg off. She writhed in pain for a while but was carried home by a mysterious swamp woman. She was made a robotic leg, and at 14 Cartier decided to move to the swamp to study alligators. She lived in a little shack she built and ate berries while studying the swamp. She also got to know and became friends with the swamp woman, named Lotus. They eventually began dating a few months after Cartier's 18th birthday.
  • Adulthood: Cartier was 17 when she first saw M. The sorceress appeared to her in a dream. It was at 18 when she next saw M. It was in a dream again. Cartier saw her eyes become completely red and leaking out blood. She saw herself in a fight to the death with Poison. She was offered a contract. Cartier signed. However, she had no idea that this was all real. When she woke up, she felt completely different. She had no emotions, only devotion to M. This is when she began to fight for M and eventually her burning hatred for The Ivy Who Lied: her own sister, Poison Ivy.


  • Parents:
    • Hanging Ivy (mother): Cartier was extremely close to her mother. She always believed Hanging would come home. When she never did, she ran away from the Ivy Mansion and found herself with Chrayle in The Archives.
    • Rash Ivy (father): Cartier was the ultimate daddy's girl. She often convinced him to go off work and make flower crowns with her. When he disappeared, she was distraught, and even angrier when she found out about his death. His disappearance caused her to run away.
  • Siblings:
    • Poison Ivy (oldest sister): Cartier used to look up to Poison, but after convincing herself that Poison was a liar and a fake, she grew an immense hatred for her older sister. Now, as M's ally, Cartier is even more hateful towards Poison and longing to completely obliterate her.
    • Chickweed Ivy (older brother): Cartier was never close to Chickweed and she was never hateful of him either, until her curse was put in place. Her hatred for her brother is not quite as much as Poison, but she does despise her brother because he chose to support Poison over her.
    • Chrayle DiCorpse (older sister): Cartier loved and admired Chrayle before she was cursed. Chrayle offered her what Poison never did in her eyes; complete honesty and endless knowledge. After her curse, Cartier refused to hurt Chrayle but felt nothing towards her.
  • Children: N/A
  • Relatives: N/A
  • Partner:
    • Lotus Qin* (girlfriend): Before her curse, Cartier was devoted and deeply in love with Lotus, believing she had found her peace. Now, due to her curse, she completely forgot who Lotus is, but is unwilling to hurt her. 
  • Familiar: N/A
  • Mentors: N/A
  • Friends:
    • Twilight Skeleton: Cartier met the youngest Nuiparenthian princess while the family was visiting Chrayle in The Archives. The two bonded over their love for stars. Cartier would often visit Twilight and vice versa and the pair would discuss everything from swamp creatures to foreign cultures. Twilight refused to join Charlotte's brigade because she believed part of Cartier was still the once sweet girl she once knew.
    • Stellar Galaxy: Cartier and Galaxy met by chance as children in the Thornestiya plaza. Galaxy's father, Stellar Orion, was visiting Cartier's mother, Hanging Ivy, to establish friendly relations, and also to offer Galaxy as a potential suitor to Chickweed when they both were older. Young Galaxy, being just as curious as Cartier, immediately became friends. When Galaxy was called upon to help Charlotte fight Cartier, she was confused and didn't understand why Cartier would be hurting people. She refused to help herself, but instead sent her sister from the future, Nova, to help restore her friend.

  • Rivals:
    • Poison Ivy: Cartier's rival is her sister, Poison. Cartier's curse feeds on her hatred and makes it even stronger, eventually making her hate Poison so much that she decided she wanted to eliminate her from existence and erase all memory of her.
  • Allies:
    • M: M is a mysterious sorceress of Aurev descent who longs to make the world her own. Cartier thinks of M as a fine person, someone who will help her achieve her goal of destroying Poison Ivy. She loyally serves her master alongside her partner, Melanie Speaks.
    • Melanie Speaks: Melanie is the younger twin to Astrid Speaks and is Cartier's war partner. The two are very closely affiliated, and could even be considered friends. Cartier admires Melanie's skills with martial arts. They also have the same favorite tea flavor: green jasmine.
    • Winter Akarami: An Aurev noble that serves under M, Winter and Cartier rarely interact but Cartier does have respect for him as a fighter.
  • Enemies:
    • Charlotte Cartel-Warden: The leader of a brigade out for her head, Cartier does not like Charlotte while cursed. After capturing her, however, she learns that Charlotte is the one who built her robotic leg, her curse is temporarily broken and she is able to speak to Charlotte about what really happened to her. With her eyes and mind returning to normal for just a few moments, Cartier is able to convince Charlotte to not kill her, only knock her out and put her in the golden cage above the boiler in the Archives' boiler room where she cannot break free. Once the curse returns, Cartier returns to despising Charlotte's guts.

    • Emeli Blousey: Another enemy of Cartier's, but on a much lesser scale. Cartier isn't fond of Emeli and wouldn't hesitate to kill her, but she is not as hateful of Emeli as she is of Poison or even Charlotte or Vivace.
    • Vivace Tarantella: Cartier despises Vivace almost as much as Charlotte. She never met the man before her curse but since she hates anyone close to Poison, it's only natural that she would hate her rival's lover, too.

Pets: N/A


  • Studying - Cartier loved to learn new things before she was cursed, and she longed to know as much as she possibly could learn, including the deepest, darkest secrets of her world.
  • Archaeology and Discovery - Cartier was never afraid of getting dirty. She loved to visit new places and just make discoveries! She loved finding weird plants and animals, fossils, gemstones, even ancient artifacts from kingdoms long ago.
  • Writing - Cartier, before her curse, was a journalist! She mainly wrote nonfiction about her discoveries, but she could also write magnificent poetry. She did try her hand at a fantasy short story once, but composing fiction is not her strongest suit.


  • "If I can find the legendary, long lost Archives, I can find anything!" (pre-curse, to Chrayle)
  • "Face it, Princess. You're not as strong as you think you are." (cursed, to Charlotte Cartel-Warden)
  • "Chrayle?" (right after her curse is removed indefinitely)


  • Cartier and Sorrel were initially going to be two different people, with Sorrel Ivy being the adventurous younger sister of Poison and Chickweed, and Cartier being the callous, hateful younger sister of Chrayle, often called "The Lady of Chains." Neither of them had constantly bleeding eyes in their initial stages.
  • Some previous ideas as to how Cartier lost her leg were as follows: chopped of by Charlotte, chopped off by Lotus (after they were shipped I considered asking Lotus's owner about that, but I decided not to), cut off by a wagon wheel, born without it, chopped off by Poison Ivy, chopped off by M. I'm very hateful.
  • Cartier's favorite food is a durian.
  • Cartier's voice is extremely deep; her singing voice classification is alto coloratura.

*Lotus is NOT my character, she was created by and belongs to lightlyseasoned on deviantart