
1 year, 5 months ago


So this was just me following my guilty pleasure. Honestly I always have, and still to this day, enjoy lion king fanart and fan characters. Lion king has such a unique style and I love seeing people somehow magically matching it, or doing their own spin off it.

Anytime I even really tried to make my own lion king OCs it just… never clicked. It’s become one of those fandoms that I kinda just enjoy from the outside, but once every in a blue moon I end up wanting to draw a bit more lion-king style just out of fellow artist appreciation.

Queue mocha boy here, who I was wanting to go for a coffee / mochaccino colour palette. I don’t really see a lot of sleek-maned TLK OCs so that’s what I wanted to play with today. Figuring out the mane ended up being the easiest part, to my surprise, but good lord apparently picking juuuusttt the right shade of browns was stupidly difficult.

Ovisously, if/when he’s bought he doesn’t need to be apart of the TLK world, it was just what called to me for this particular day.