

Azrail is a relatively quite child that views everything with a curious and skeptical gaze. Found with his nose in a mystery book, or sitting in front of a TV crime show he hopes to pursue the detective career in his future.


Spring was a symbol of renewal and rebirth to some with all the animals waking from hibernation and flowers sprouting from the earth in rainbows of colors. A celebration for the warm days to come and that the snow was moving on at last. To however Azrail it ment neither of these things.
To him it ment hiding from Keres at all costs..
Every year Azrail is always dragged from his studies and readings by his father for *shiver* spring cleaning. Ha ha laugh all you want but spring cleaning with Keres is 'torture' to the young Songrem who just wants to finish his mystery novel in peace. When he's finally hunted down Keres makes sure the boy is put to work. First they move every piece of furniture out of the house and clean, dust, and scrub them down until they're deemed clean enough to return. Well at least after the floors receive the same treatment of intense cleaning. Nothing is overlooked and by the time it's over and everything is returned to there places Azrail feels like his paws might just fall off.
Thinking about it though perhaps it's not all bad. After they're both situated on the couch resting from the days strain they first take a nice long nap with Keres always waking first. Careful not to disturb his son the Songrem makes his way to the kitchen to fix up some fruit salad and popcorn for the both of them. Surfing the TV Keres wakes Azrail gently before handing him the remote and lets him begin his yearly ritual of watching CSI and Law&Order marathons.


Asrail is a bit more practical and has a nice pair of shades he never leaves the house without. They help with blocking sun rays of course but the young songrem things he looks pretty mysterious with them and certainly takes the time to play private investigator as he 'interviews' the neighborhood. Some of them actually end up humoring him and play along.