🌠SC (Space Captain)☄️



1 year, 2 months ago


Space Captain, the Captain of the Universe Train

- extremely energetic

- can be naive, but at the same time brilliant in some aspects

- does not notice anything around when focusing on something

- tends to people

- has his own small menagerie with space creatures that he found during his travels

**• he takes great care of his hair and usually hates it being touched by random strangers...or anyone for that matter**

**• if you ask him nicely he'll let you wear his hat for a while before he'd ask for it back**

**• he knows a shit ton about the stars and planets, he probably shares his knowledge with travellers he manages to come across**

**• he's mad tall, probably around 7ft? The shoes he wears makes him look taller than he actually is**

**• is naturally curious about new things he comes across, this could be anything like for example a human or something**

**• - is definitely a sweetheart but isn't afraid to get serious if need be**