


6 years, 29 days ago


Name: Esmiam Gunnol

Age: ????

Gender: ???? ( she / they pronouns )

Height: 6'1''

Race: ???? ( the only one of her kind )

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Sexuality: Demisexual

Class / Role: Thief

She was born from the scalding sands of Lingate, not as a baby but as a fully grown being. Not sure of where to go, she headed north, hoping to find some sort of civilization. 

She stole what she could carry from neighboring sand villages and escaped before being captured. Cloaking themselves in comfortable but non-revealing clothing, making it easy to move around in and escape when cornered.

They were never given a name at birth, so they decided to go by 'Esmiam'. It doesn't really mean anything, it just sounds good when it escaped through her lips.

Esmiam was never the type to have a permanent home, but with all the priceless jewels and artifacts they've been collecting, a hideout was a necessity, it was more like a labyrinth than anything. She would collect anything from small jewels to ancient totems the size of a large dog. Nothing was safe from her claws. Even if an intruder made their way into her hideout, they could never leave. As Esmiam was clever enough to lace the rooms with her venom, slowly eating at the intruder(s) from the inside out, leaving nothing behind besides their skeletons for another collection.

She had heard of a palace laced with diamonds, gold, basically a thief's dream come true. They immediately made their way to this faraway land, full of luscious green plants, and more water than the amount of sand that exists in Lingate. 

While on their journey, they've heard rumors of the curse upon the family within those shimmering walls. They paid no mind to stupid and outlandish rumors, but decided to be cautious anyways.