Athena Silver (NPC)



1 year, 2 months ago


Basic information 

Name: Athena Silver

Day of Birth: May 30th
Age: Died at 29
Gender: Female

 Sexuality: Straight

Fear: Her son getting hurt

Height: 5'4
Relationship Status: 
Married to Zetroald Silver

job: Actor

History: Athena comes from a not so wealthy family she didn't have much growing up but she didn't mind, she had great people in her life. She soon met two noble boys, the oldest named Zetroald and the youngest named Redondas. They pretty much grew up together she loved them dearly and she made sure to show them that. Soon when she was a young teen someone would approach her and offer to become an actor, she showed great talent in acting wanting to try she takes up on the offer ever since then Athena would gain much popularity, her beauty, her acting skills were so great this was so good for Athena with all the money she started bringing in she was able to help her family. One thing she hated though was all the eyes on her and all the men wanting to be with her for no other reason but just to have her fame and fortune, she hated it so much. Later down the line when she was a young adult, she sees some old friends after so long being Zetroald and Redondas, hang with them again it started to become clear that she had fallen in love with Redondas she had planned to tell him this however his older brother would step in and ruin it. Zetroald offered a deal to Athena that she couldn't refuse even if she wanted too, she had no choice. Athena ends up marring Zetroald and later having a child with him, her first born son. While living with Zetroald it was a nightmare, he would abuse anytime he was mad about something and always have his way with her. It was clear he never cared about her she was just a thing to make him look better in front of his people and family. And bounce to make his younger brother jealous, her life would only get worse from here. One day when they were gonna leave to attend a party his brother would come in and start a fight with Zetroald, they fought hard then Athena came in and tried to stop them unfortunately she couldn't. Zertoald ends up hurting her, she was so badly damaged that she knew she wasn't going to make it. Fire would suddenly appear in the house and burn everything; Athena would unfortunately die not knowing if her son made it out alive.


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