graaa i know you said you'd prefer character trades but id like to offer quite a bit of art if you'd want. this design is super super good so i get why you'd want to keep it lol

whoa your art is super cool, i'd actually be down to consider! this guy deserves a better home anyways haha. how much would you be looking to offer? :o

omg yay and thank you! tch aw i bet your home still wouldve been nice 3:) if i do get him, i suggest checking in on him from time to time to see how theyre doing :)

and ill offer as much art as it takes! how does 2 colored fullbodies sound to you?

i actually favorite all the ocs and adoptables i give away so i can check on them and see how they're doing later! :D i'm already excited to see what you do with him ngl!

and that sounds great! c: would you be able to do these guys? for both of them, the newest drawings are the most accurate!

oh wow thats actually super smart!! and AW thank you!?!? im also excited to see what i can cook up hehe

yes i would!! and ok got it bud!   oh my god i didnt know we had emojis

YAY, awesome!! i'll put this guy on pending for you now, no rush or pressure at all obviously!!

i actually didn't either until just recently, my dumb ass had been googling emojis and copy pasting them in here, it was so sad HVKGR

17 Replies

mother may i offer art owo

i think i'd probably prefer a character trade for this one since i'm lowkey considering keeping him, i'm sorry ;o;

Would you want to trade for anyone here?

i didn't see anyone, i'm sorry!

Np, ty!

ill offer an icon for him

hrmm idk. ..  is ur icon high quality enuf.. .i dont tink so...

screw you ill step on your ipad