


6 years, 12 days ago


  • Name Cantra
  • Age 23
  • Gender male
  • Orientation Homosexual
  • Species Flowerboy
  • Height 16'
  • Build Lanky/thin
  • Theme/Playlist ?



Cantra was a rather shy but intuitive child and loved to ask questions, although sometimes he didn't exactly have a filter for his words, often leading to time outs and blunt statements before the aforementioned time outs. he was a rather studious and tedious child, a perfectionist if you will, all throughout his childhood he never really focused on friends until he had to get a job, where he began working at a lab, helping diagnose mental disorders and doing studies for papers on certain mental technologies when a breakthrough is reached.

He's quite shy until you get to know him and once you do he is still quiet but doesn't let anyone push him around and will defend those he cares for, even if it would risk his life. That is, unless parrot-fish are involved, he really hates them due to the fact that parrot-fish often mistake the solid edges of his lower half for coral and will nibble or straight up take a chunk out, it grows back rather quickly but the removing of the chunk or the nibble will still really hurt. Humans are another thing on his list of absolute hates, they ruined his childhood reef and tore it up to get at the metal underneath, although he no longer has to worry about them due to their own actions leading to the extinction of the human race, he still really despises them.

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  • He often approaches colleagues to solve puzzles he has come up with, very few ever solve them.
  • He likes to cuddle, but only when hes really tired or really drunk.
  • He can't hold his alcohol, he gets drunk really easily-
  • Despite his outwardly calm demeanor, inside more often than not he's a screechy mess.
  • He faints when hes scared, if someone jump scares him for instant, he will faint.
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Skills & Abilities

  • He is really good at confusing people, especially those who aren't used to using scientific terms for things.
  • He is quite clever when it comes to outwitting opponents with smarts alone, he is also really quite fast.
  • He is very loud when he wishes to be heard, often when he speaks up, others will listen because of the ' beware the quiet ones ' mentality.
  • He is quite skilled with sewing and drawing, often coming up with garment ideas.
  • He withstands heat quite easily. cold not so much..
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  • Neuroscience.
  • Puzzles.
  • Asking questions.
  • Being 'hands on'.
  • Manta rays.
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  • Parrot fish.
  • Failed studies.
  • Messy work spaces.
  • Being late.
  • Humans.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.

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