Tomás O'Neill





Theme Song The Irish Volunteer
Aliases Dust/Hell-Raiser
Species Human
Age Mid/Late 20s
Gender Male
Height 5'7"
ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral
S.O. Single

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds


Tomás O'Neill

Tomás is a postal worker for the United Continental Postal Guild on the Iron Continent. He is a citizen of the country of Yeuum. Tomás, however, is a first-generation immigrant after his parents immigrated from the country of Alderrath to find a better life and to escape the imperlisit strangle hold of Northumbria when he was only a baby. His father ended up dying on the way to Yeuum during an orc raid on their traveling caravan, leaving behind a pair of Boots of Haste for his son when he was old enough to have them. Despite this tradegy, Tomás' mother did not give up. She worked hard to provide her son with the better life she and her husband both wanted and was able to establish her family quite succesfully within Yeuum. Becoming well respected members of the community she settled in and was even able to provide her son with up to an 8th grade education!

Tomás eventually got a job with the UCPG (United Continental Postal Guild) after spending a few years within the Yeuum military and then adventuring. He started out at the bottom rung of the ladder as a simple inter-city courier within the Yeuum region. He quickly however made his way up the ranks with his speed, realiability, and combat ability. Earning himself the nickname Dust-Raiser by his comrades. Although behind his back they call him Hell-Raiser, due to just how terrifying in battle he can be, able to wipe a group of bandits in the blink of an eye and shoot his rifle at least 12 times in 6 seconds. His hopes to one day become the Postmaster General of the entire UCPG. First step in that goal is to earn the title of Postmaster for the Yeuum region.



Tomás is very devoted to his job as a postal worker. He can and will run 300 miles nonstop in 100 degree farenheight weather to deliever a message if need be and it is of great enough importance. He is also quite brave and can hold his own very well in a fight. He can and will face off against the most frightening of dangers without even blinking an eye. He will stand to the very end to complete his duty and will do his very best to protect those he is traveling with. Although at the moment the succesful deliever of the mail holds priority so if things are looking completely hopeless he might dip. His motto can be very easily describe with the well known phrase "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."


  • Irish-American
  • PJO Cabin #11
  • He would be Jewish if he had a real world religion
  • Surpringsly superstition despite his serious attitude
  • Revised Ranger subclass is Hunter
  • Alex Hirsch would make an amazing face and even voice claim imo


Horses | LIKE •

Horses are great animals and very important and useful when it comes to delievering the mail in the wide open and wild country of Yeuum. The terrain being much like Arizona in some parts and Kansas in other.

The Mail | LIKE •

He has devoted his life to the swift and sure delievery of the mail

Yeuum/His Country | LIKE •

While he may have been born in the country of Alderrath his a Yeuumnite at heart and will remain loyal to his country till the end.

Eomoore | LIKE •

The eagle god of justice and freedom. Eomoore is the god that Tomás most closely follows.

Disrupting the Mail | DISLIKE •

The delievery of the mail is incredibily important and the disruption of it cannot stand. He can and will face off and scold a giant eldritch train god for disrupting the mail without even flinching. I say this because it straight up did happen. And he was somehow succesfull. The eldritch senitent train was able to easily stave off the barbraian but caved to the peer pressure from the mailman.