
He grew up in the south with his family, his father can be pretty belligerent sometimes and is pretty traditional. No died hair and boys should shouldn’t ware pink kinda attitude. So when he came out his father wasn’t happy. Luckily his father wasn’t a total jerk and still loved his son but was very unhappy.

Axle feeling unheard ect began to lash out by dyeing his hair and dressing in a more feminine way. His relationship with his family strained and he ended up running away. Their he found some friends who helped him express himself and help him learn to accept himself too.

Eventually his father reached out to apologize and invited him to stay at home. After that their relationship started to mend. It’s not perfect and they still but heads but his father now loves and accepts him. They do butt heads now and then but they hug it out later.

Some other interesting tid bits. He has a younger sister who loves to make jewelry and accessories out of everything. She’ll often make them and give them to axle. He’ll ware it all. Weather it’s made of painted beads or if it’s macaroni art. She’ll often braid fun little things into his hair too.

The collar was given to him by a friend who helped him when he ran away.  He also is a biker but prefers to skateboard though.

Current Worth: 400$