Daniel Akester



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Daniel Akester-Lloyd




Daniel is the heir to the Akester fortune and all the power that the venerable manor has. Unfortunately, being a bastard from a branching lineage with soiled blood and incredible talentry was enough to sever him from his birthright— even after the remaining dregs of his family reached their brutal ends. A sacrificial death, but for what? It didn’t matter— Daniel was the only one who could claim this fortune— and its sole source of power. The Siphon. A ring of terrible strength and power, imbued with the souls of every powerful Quintessian who wore it.

Quintessians are rare and require training to fully harness their abilities— they can manipulate the very force of life itself. The Siphon not only grants near-immunity to death so long as it remains in his possession, it can give him all the notoriety and power that comes with such wealth.

Daniel is a relatively tall cis dude with really pale skin, black striaght hair, & dark brown eyes. His lack of physical conformaties to his family line, like the Akester’s lineage of tan complexion and curly hair, makes it pretty much certain that no one ever believes him. Thus, he’s often called ‘Daniel Lloyd’— and *legally* that’s his name. Oops.

Dan likes looking good. Appearances are everything. He’s muscular the way a person is when they just started working out but have somehow managed to bulk up very suddenly because they really got into it. That being said, he’s very attractive to DA LADIES and DA MEN and honestly he’s like model material. Being beautiful gets him some good stuff, and being able to turn a policeman to stone using his cool powers to avoid the consequences of his actions is literally how this guy rolls.

He is painfully gay but can and will flirt with anyone if he thinks he can get something out of it. Having the gift of gab also means he never shuts the fuck up. He’s an angry drunk. All in all, Daniel is a sad young man with so many doubts and so many demons, but if you get past the rude asshole demeanor, he’s got a heart of gold. Ironically, despite his ruthless desire to claim his inheritance, he has only ever caused the death of one person. That guilt is HEAVY SHIT BRUH.