Rudolf Liedtke



1 year, 5 months ago


  • Rudolf Liedtke

  • age 30
  • pronouns he/him
  • species human
  • created on March 29, 2022
  • theme

Curious • Resourceful • Altruistic

full name Rudolf Liedtke

nicknames Liedtke

gender Cis man

sexuality Homosexual

d.o.b. 27 May 1893

birthplace Hannover, Germany

occupation Detective

residence Berlin

religion Judaism

pets dog; Moritz

creator voughtcorsair

value $unknown


Liedtke is a detective in Weimar Berlin, who deals mainly with blackmail cases and works with the Institute to protect its clients- but as he improves his methods and learns more about investigation, he gets drawn into some of the stranger aspects of Berlin- and more complex, unbelievable mysteries.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

astrology Gemini ☉ / Aries ☾ / Libra ↑

alignment neutral good

mbti ESTP

temperament sanguine-choleric

familiar Tuxedo housecat

archetype Detective


  • writing
  • cigars
  • going for walks, gardening
  • watching the sunrise


  • wintertime, cold, cloudy weather
  • inaction, ineffectiveness
  • the police
  • tea


  • adept negotiator
  • many connections to find evidence
  • good cook
  • excellent writer


  • being out of the action- he is proud of his work during the war, but wishes he could have been with his brothers
  • being harmed for his detective work
  • failing a client
  • spiders


  • strong sense of justice
  • good instincts, and excellent at putting clues together
  • well-liked by clients, positive impression
  • infinitely curious


  • can be too work-focused
  • Moritz is chief among his concerns when it comes to potential violence
  • second-guesses himself often, overthinks
  • occasionally stubborn

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

height 5'9"

build well-proportioned, average

race/ethnicity white; Ashkenazi

complexion fair, neutral tone

hair colour medium-dark brown

hair texture slightly curly

eyes golden brown

voice deep & comforting


Liedtke is fairly tall and well-proportioned- he spends plenty of time outside and it shows, with a healthy glow and an athletic build. He takes walks with Moritz quite often, often spends time in the park nearby his flat. His eyes are a light golden brown, slightly upturned, and his hair is a rich, darker brown with a slight curl, though he keeps it neatly slicked back. There are a few freckles high on his cheekbones, and his skin is a neutral tone. His features are well-defined and early Hollywood handsome, a little noir- think Gilbert Roland, Gary Cooper, etc. He is clean-shaven and only has a couple of significant scars to speak of, only a few scratches from Moritz and a scar on his eyebrow from a tumble as a kid.


Liedtke's clothes are timelessly stylish; he leans towards neutrals with high contrast. He generally favors subtle herringbone or pinstripe patterns if he's feeling a bit fancy, and has a collection of patterned ties and colorful pocket squares to accentuate with. For meetings with close friends, he has a red velvet smoking jacket, and overall leans towards warmer colors for accents and colorful pieces.


His dog, Moritz, is a small Munsterlander and has been instrumental in solving cases- a versatile hunting breed, Moritz will track down or alert to scents, and has been known to bite at suspects' ankles. He is a good judge of character, and also proves useful for calming down a tearful victim. Liedtke has a small flat and large office a few streets away from each other- his flat is homey, nicely decorated with some mementos from home and some mementos from new friends. He treasures a large, east-facing window and has a small windowbox garden. His office is on the second floor of a larger building, and has many file cabinets, bookshelves, a nice desk, and a few soft, comfortable chairs for clients- it has a professional, but comforting atmosphere, and a large window overlooking a park. He doesn't have much in the way of accessories, save for a watch given to him by his grandfather, and pictures of his brothers in his wallet.


Liedtke doesn't smoke cigarettes, and rather dislikes the scent, but enjoys Cuban cigars and will smoke them on special occasions, or offer them to clients for important meetings. He drinks sparingly, usually just when he offers a drink to clients, and tries to keep kosher, although he's not particularly observant. He goes by his surname out of habit, and a bit of privacy- doing his detective work is occasionally a touch paranoia-inducing. He speaks with a deep, smooth voice, but his tone is almost always gentle and he has a positive outlook and even temperament. Clients find themselves comforted and trusting of him immediately. He enjoys writing short stories in his off-time, and tries his hand at charcoal sketching occasionally. He often takes Moritz for long walks to help him think, and likes his houseplants.

Early Life

Liedtke grew up in a fairly average middle-class household in Hannover, Germany. His mother was a schoolteacher and his father owned a drugstore- he remembers his childhood being overall fairly happy. His mother was Jewish, and his father Christian; she began to reconnect to her religion after having Mirjam, and his father eventually converted. He learned Yiddish from his maternal grandparents and was quite well educated. He had two elder brothers, Ignatz and Kurt, one older sister, Mirjam, and one younger sister, Hadassah. When WWI began, he was already serving his mandatory conscription, but as a part of intelligence, and continued that role throughout the war. His brothers, meanwhile, reenlisted as part of the infantry and fell in 1915 and 1916 respectively. Thus, only himself, Hadassah, and Mirjam remain.

Weimar Berlin

Soon after the war ended, he adopted a stray Munsterlander and named him Moritz. He moved to Berlin in hopes of finding a better job- unlike Mirjam, he was unhappy and had no wish to help out with his father's drugstore- and met up with a few friends. At one point, one was blackmailed and he offered to find a solution, when he discovered the skills learnt during the war could be put to good use and were in fact quite marketable. He works mainly with patients of Die Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft, solving blackmail issues, but also finds missing persons, etc...He works with Rainer Konersmann, a detective in the Berlin police department. More plot added here :)

America & Beyond

In 1928, Hadassah moves to the United States to pursue her acting career, and in light of the growing political unrest in Berlin, Liedkte follows soon after, quickly establishing a successful private investigative business in New York- together, they're able to bring the rest of their family over. When WWII begins, Liedtke joins the OSS, where he proves remarkably useful not only with espionage and intelligence, but also in communicating with German defectors and organizing missions. He takes great pride in his work, and post-war, his business blossoms. Throughout the 1950s and '60s, he is as much of a household name as a detective could be- often consulted for novels and films. He retires in the early 1970s and writes a novel of his own under a penname, and enjoys a peaceful but entertaining life. He dies of natural causes in 1980.

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