


1 year, 2 months ago



Name Amayla (uh-my-la)
Called Witch Doctor
Age 31
Gender Female
Height 1ft
Build Slim
Species Chorva
Role ???
Demeanor Friendly
Theme Song link


  • Fish (Salmon Mostly)
  • Tea
  • Reading
  • Alone Time


  • Bees
  • Hard candy
  • Sunny days
  • Crowds




Amayla is not very good at cooking or making anything food related. Most of her customers end up with food poisoning or nothing, but they're always left with sheer dissappointment.


Amayla may drop everything just to continue reading a book she is invested in.


Amayla may appear friendly and outgoing but she is very cold hearted and cynical towards most people; making Benji the only person Amayla has shown true compassion to.


When Amayla was born her parents had given her up to a local. An older Chorva by the name of Lucky. He took good care of her and raised her like his own child. Amayla was never really affected by her parents leaving her behind as she had never known them and had no desire to do so. She took a lot after Lucky and worked alongside him in his trinkets shop. As time went on Lucky got older and eventually passed away leaving his shop to Amayla at the age of 22. The prior customers slowly trickled away over the years the shop was small and uninteresting; Only containing the same dusty old trinkets. She decided to spice up the shop and make it into “Amayla’s Fortune Reading and Ailments” where she told people their fake fortunes or “cured” them. She would give her customers trinkets and different concoctions she brewed up, which usually were disgusting and made them sick. She charged a hefty price for her services and made her living ripping people off.

A Blossoming Friendship

Amayla runs her shop not really knowing what she was really meant to do in life; most Chorva know who they are meant to be based on the marks adorned on their heads. Amayla’s mark had no known meaning and thus she would continue with her strange yet simple life. Until a strange customer started to come in, Benji. She kept coming back even though nothing Amayla told her or gave her helped her fulfill her destiny in becoming a healer and finally being welcomed back to her family. Benji kept trying at it and truly believed Amayla was helping her and eventually she begged to work under Amayla as her apprentice. Amayla being a scam artist didn’t actually know anything about healing, but being lonely and knowing Benji had no where else to go, she accepted.

Present Day

Now Amayla’s days are spent with her best friend and singular coworker Benji. They wake up at the same time every morning; cleaning the shop, and then going out to find lots of knick knacks and trinkets to sell to people. Then Amayla sits Benji down for “study” and tea, essentially reading dragged on books aloud to each other about healers and heroes to inspire Benji. They travel the town and woods together enjoying each others company. When night falls their business kicks of with lots of the night goers looking for something fun and often stumbling upon the storefront. Benji and Amayla are stuck together like glue, and although Amayla may wander off on her own to spend time sunken into a story she will always return to her friend.



Benji [ Bestfriend ]

Amayla's one and only true friend.


Lucky [ Guardian ]

Lucky raised her like his own daughter, and will remain in Amayla's heart forever.


Character [ relationship ]

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