


1 year, 2 months ago





Designer @ Sandling
Status Mine - do NOT offer
Link FA


Lechannia was born in an area that recently had a large-scaled magical battle and abandoned. She was then found and adopted by a pair of scavenging peasants. The results of the wild magical exposure at birth caused her to have extreme hybridization in her body, thus becoming a Mongrel as a species, adopting features of all sorts of creatures found within the nearby region. On top of this, Lechannia has been suffering from unstable morphism in her arms and legs, causing them to still sporadically change over time without taking symmetry in account (Her arms have become stable during her later years thanks to the extensive mental training she received as a Templar).

Living with her adoptive parents in a small town, Lechannia was often considered a cursed child - her magical taint being the blame for any bad event happening within the town. As she grew older and started to realize that her presence was putting her and her family at risk, she decided to abandon the village and her parents at night. It did not take long before Lechannia stumbled on a monastery, in need of shelter and food. It was here she also found a new home.

The Monastery was home to Templars, upholders in law and virtue, and started to train Lechannia in their disciplines, branding and accessorizing her within their order. It did not take long before they had detected that Lechannia's magical heritage also caused her to have strong affinity for magic, and started to train her in utiziling this as well. Lechannia found her speciality to be that of enchantment, in specific mental-rerouting: The ability to steer people's thoughts to different ones already present within their mind, no matter how deeply hidden away they are. She absolutely resents manipulating people's minds by instilling concepts and ideas not originally present.

One day, upon returning back to her monastery after having set out to train, she found the place in ashes with not a single of her fellow monks and templars having survived the catastrophy. Blaming herself at that moment for considering that she was indeed actually cursed, she vowed to forever distance herself from others and hunt down the monster that caused this to happen, having found enough evidence that this was in fact a deliberate massacre. Bitter, vengeful and isolated, she discovered patterns and hints in her voyage that her target would be the fabled monster they call the Ancla Del Diablo.

Throughout her future years, she would bump into Tenebrae, a Crux Summoner whom somehow ended up being even more dark and depressed than Lechannia. Somehow, their shared negativity created a bond that would allow Lechannia to feel she could actually have a friend again. Together, they would continue to track down their legendary target.

Design Notes

  • Female black/white Mongrel (A Hybrid with genetic inconsistencies, borrowing lots of different animal features).
  • Her head, while technically a fusion between a lemur and a rat, has a mostly rodent look to it. The head might even look somewhat possumy.
  • Frontal small rat incisors. Sharp protruding small side teeth as well.
  • Pink nose and soft pinkish muzzle tip as well as lips.
  • Mostly black hair with front hair/bangs white.
  • Note! - Lechannia has morphic instability, causing her to have assymetrical legs. Though they can be drawn in any unique way, the most commonly drawn combination is her canine leg and bird/chicken leg combination. (More about her unusual condition below).
  • Longer agile tail with a black nail at the tip - the tip however is usually adorned with a Templar Cross Insignia, and functions even better as a weapon.
  • Black spots around the waist and crotch area, with a few bleeding through on the front and backside (Two on the side of the butt).
  • Very soft 'cushiony' butt in fur pattern.
  • (Optional) 8 Bone spike protrusions from her back around her spine. These can however be pulled in entirely.

Accessory & Outfit

  • Accessory: 3 big earrings on each ear, symmetrical.
  • Accessory: Engraved runic collar with pendant hanging from it.
  • Accessory: Pawstaff! It's a staff with a crystal glowing paw at the end. She uses this to augment her powers.

  • Outfit: She wears a black sorceress outfit with long front and back 'flaps'.
  • Outfit: Tightly fit top with 'boob window', wide long sleeves that are split at the ends, and sharp pointy shoulderpads.
  • Outfit: Snazzy hat that looks like a combination of a witch hat and an inquisitor's hat.
  • Outfit: (I'd say that in general, her outfit looks like a combination between a Sorceress/Witch and an Inquisitor in style).

Personality & Background

  • Lechannia was born on a magical battlefield and left for dead, having been gifted a great aptitude for magic as a result, but being magically 'scarred' in her appearance - a wide mixture of animal genes that were found within the wide geographical location.

  • On top of having been born a Mongrel in this way, she had to live with unstable morphism, causing parts of her body to alter their appearance over the years. Most of this has stabilized over time, with the exception of her legs. These seem to still alter appearance over time, in a rather assymetrical fashion.

  • Lechannia's magical aptitude makes her a skilled enchantress. She specializes in mental rerouting, a field of enchantment that steers people's thoughts and perception to things already found within the brain (She refuses to use enchantment to instill lies and false visions).

  • She is also a Templar Monk, having been raised and trained in such a way in a monastery. She wears the cross insignia on her back and lower belly/crotch as a marking, as well as on her tailtip.

  • Grim / Determined / Vengeful.

Html code by Coywolfy