T-700🎀✨🌸's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

sacrilege Global Rules
Terms of Service | Original Designer

Please familiarize yourself with my Terms of Service before trading, selling or giving away my designs. I do not tolerate severe breaches of my Terms of Service, and will react accordingly if rules are broken. My TOS is tied to the design no matter what. Please respect my terms.

(copy-pasted from full TOS tab)
✦ Inform me if or when the design trades hands, and refrain from trading, selling, gifting or otherwise offering designs to users on my blacklist.
✦ The design belongs to you in full; I do not revoke characters.
✦ You are allowed to modify, add to, or subtract from designs from me as you wish.
✦ Do not delete the character off toyhou.se; if you're planning to set the character as private, please inform me beforehand.
✦ Ask me if you want to void a species-based design.