

AGE 7 years old

SPECIES Crocatta

GENDER Male (he/they/it)


OWNER Murphy



  • Murphy
  • Raw meats
  • The chase


  • Enclosed spaces
  • Strong sunlight/hot weather
  • Anyone other than Murphy

Of all people, someone who was already as brash and prone to violence as Murphy...really shouldn't have ended up in the possession of a beast such as a Crocatta. The two make a viciously dangerous duo and only the strongest of targets are able to escape them with their lives- and likely a hefty amount of scars. While Subwoofer is loyal beyond belief to his owner, he will not listen to anyone else or tolerate them trying to interact with him. At the end of the day, he is still more of a wild animal than a pet. He is not tame and he only listens to Murphy because she hand-raised him from a very early age.

He's also much smarter than he looks, able to obey complex commands from Murphy and chase down targets even if they're actively trying to lose him through trickery. With a love of hunting and fighting that rivals his owner's...there's a very good chance that just about any enemy of Elpis' that has disappeared without a trace was just a well-earned meal of Subwoofer's.

Code by Aurorean