


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Nicknamed Azov by Ein (and me)

Works as a bartender for another demon's bar, but is unofficially recognized as the boss there. He's the only one who lets Einhardt drink-- the other bars know he won't ever pay his tab, but Azov don't care. Somewhat of a best friend / partner / caretaker of Einhardt.

Regularly accompanies Einhardt to fights so he can patch the latter up afterwards, knowing Ein wouldn't do it himself (he simply does not care enough to.) Usually takes the earnings from the fights too- whether he spends it on himself or to pay off Ein's tab, no one knows. Ein doesn't care, he doesn't fight for money (just to have fun.)

Before he met Einhardt, he was just as reckless as the other, and abused substances even god don't know and landed in debt after borrowing so much money. However, dealing with Ein's antics and irresponsibility has matured him, and he started to finally pay some of that debt back. He's actually the most mature demon out of the bunch, surprisingly, and acts almost like a guardian or parent to em. The mom friend.

But that wasn't enough. When Azov disappeared, Einhardt assumed he died (or was killed for this debt) and after wiping out the guys he assumed had done it, simply accepted the fact Azov was gone (lie.)

Not even the smartest demon Ein knows (which is only Sc, so not saying much) don't know exactly what happened to Azov.