Mars "Box" Calico-Marley



1 year, 2 months ago


Mars Calico-Marley


General Info


  • Pronouns: He/They/It
  • Gender Identity: Demi-Boy
  • Orientation: Bisexual + Demi-Romantic + Demi-Sexual 

  • Age: 20
  • DOB: 30th October 2002
  • Birth place: UK-Yate
  • Nationality: British-German


Physical Appearance

Clothing Style

  •  5’2
  •  Skinny - 8 stone/50kg/119 ibs
  • Unusually strong for size
  •  Orange - wide eyes
  •  Dark pale brown - Thick - Wavy hair - Mullet
  •  Stubble
  •  Minor Acne scars
  •  Scharp shark like teeth - One gold tooth
  •  Natural light tanned skin
  •  Minor scarring over body (Accidents, fights and SH)
  • Self inflicted stitches on skin
  • Sharp features - long narrow nose 
  • Permanent bags under eyes
  • Ratty, grunge/goblincore Clothing
  • Wears masculine, feminine and androgynous clothing
  • Lots of self made accessories or stuff given by friends and family
  • Always waring star earring
  • Often wears platform boots 
  • Never wears white  (Too bland + makes him feel as if he's in a psych ward)
  • Chipped nail polish 
  • Will wear makeup 

Character Traits


(Chaotic Neutral)




  • Confident
  • Optimistic
  • Ambitious 
  • Stubborn
  • Honest (Overly)
  • Sarcastic
  • Curious
  • Protective
  • Hot-Headed
  • Impulsive
  • Paranoia

A generally energetic person who's always looking for their next thrill, this typically being ghost hunting and monster killing for box. Box tends to be a very hot headed person, causing him to lash out even when he knows it will get him in more trouble.  Despite that he’s always trying his best to look out for the people around him that have helped and stuck by him despite all his issues. And now after years of them looking after him he wants to be able to look after them and make them proud of his development. Being very ambitious in those goals and optimistic for what's to come in his day and night job, even if its getting him in some trouble with the law.

“He's like a Staffy. Looks like a mean asshole but is a big old teddy bear at heart.. Or well small, teddy bear” - Vega

Likes + Dislikes



  • Scary movies/media/games
  • DIY 
  • Photography
  • True crime
  • Sour treats
  • Bright colours
  • Goblincore + Retro Core
  • Shiny trinkets 
  • White + grey clothing, items, etc
  • Confrontation
  • Social gatherings
  • Cold foods (not including treats)
  • ‘Night job problem customers’


To protect  

To be able to protect those he cares for and stop them from being hurt or killed, even at his own expense


Mars wishes to be free to do what he wants. Freedom that though he has he will do whatever he can to keep. The worry of those that care for him over his lifestyle doesn't help his need to try make sure he stays free


Box desires to be able to end all the things preventing him from living a normal happy life. They have a lot of pressure on their shoulders they just wish to get rid of and go back to having fun and committing petty crimes


being useless

Box fears being useless and unwanted. Tying into his powers


Box can trust those he doesn't know too much while losing faith and being too paranoid of those closer to him


Box resorts to violence and anger very quickly, often getting himself and others in trouble because of it 


Box can often become blinded by his desires 


Cyber Security 

(full time/day job)

Has always been good with technology and had managed to take a uni course at home to get a degree in cyber security. Its a decent job but mainly likes it as it allows him to work from home and not have to go to a work office, he dislikes them as his schizophrenia makes it difficult to work in those kinds of environments.

Criminal Activity 

(‘night job’)

Mars was always a kid that teachers would refer to as a ‘difficult/troubled child’ and got himself into trouble with school and the law often, being very thankful to his mother for getting him out of legal trouble so often. His friend and older brother figure, Connor, did not help and only taught him how to get better at these crimes. Though not as often now he still partakes in crime for financial gain. Mainly dealing and growing substances,  thieving and blackmail thanks to the info he gains from his day job.



Saw Connor doing it professionally and wanted to impress him and then started to generally like it. 

Investigating paranormal activities + abandoned places

Always loved scary and weird stuff so wanted to go see it all for himself. Often travelling miles to for days to check out new places

Wood sculpting

Mainly does it to make gifts for important events and jewellery 

With Mars’s dad being from a family of witches and having a demon in his head it was only natural that Mars would have had a chance to develop some powers. Each one being developed/discovered at different points in his life

These powers are activated Via a orange light he can form with his hands to write his spells in an old forgotten language (does not apply to telepathy)



Developed at 14 - allows him to have something bad mysteriously happen to someone. This normally being getting into a minor accident, developing an illness or breaking something important


Developed at 11 - Box quickly found out he could read minds at school one day when he could suddenly hear EVERYONE'S THOUGHTS it caused him to go into a sensory overload and need to be sent home. Once confirming these were real him and his father worked to control it and now can choose 1-4 peoples mind to read at a time and ask talk that way


Developed at 7 - A bit like Hex but more ‘friendly’ Allowing him to make things ‘just so happen.. Happen’ which mainly boils down too using it to make him pass test, find money or win at card games


A small yet bright light he can make form anywhere on his hands and then use it to write on surfaces or the air to perform his spells. Will sometimes simply use it as a torch though


  • Knows GSL and BSL thanks to his mother being deaf
  • Can also speak both English and German
  • Knows a decent amount about potions thanks to his father teaching him
  • Likes to carry a SledgeHammer when going ghost hunting in case they are attacked. Its his favourite choice of weapon 
  • Known for being very lucky. Though his powers help him persuade the outcomes of some situations he has this natural luck thats made others think of him as a cockroach and very good at gambling
  • Stitches on his body are a result of a manic episode mixed with a delusion. Though being painful at the time hes grown fond of them and just says they are ‘body mods’ now
  • Box is extremely good at lockpicking
  • Box is a name reserved for people that arnt close to him. Only family and close friends can call him Mars



Augustus J. Calico

Mars is closest to Gus out of both of his parents. He feels Gus understands him more and has helped him understand the abilities he has and cope with his problems, though he still has a lot of struggles he thanks gus for better managing them. He also feels more similar to Gus than his other family, taking a lot of comfort in being around him. 

Darren Marley (Mother)

Has a deep respect for his mother and looks up to her but is closer to his dad thanks to feeling as if he understands him more than his mother. Things can be strained due to Mars’ reckless and dangerous behaviours, Mars often avoids the subject and gets annoyed by this but tries his best to make his mother not worry and stay safe.

Vega Calico-Marley

Mars Is very close to his younger sister, The two being partners in crime growing up and someone he’d do anything to protect. They are still quite close but have gone very different directions in life and Vega now takes more charge in protecting Mars now, not approving of his criminal behaviour and often trying to persuade him to take his career and hobbies more seriously and stop the crime, this has caused a lot of arguments. She still likes going out with her brother and Mars always goes to her games and supports her from the crowd


Madelyn "Mads" Rowan

not my character belongs to friend

Met when investigating something paranormal happening at their school and soon became friends Box being 19 and Mads 18. A Year later the two confessed to each other and have now been dating for a few months. Mars holds Mads very dear to him, they are someone he trusts with all his heart and always takes on his ghost hunting adventures. He tries to keep Mads out of his more illegal business but the two eventually become partners in crime.

Maddox *Dox” Lowery 

(Best friends)

Mars met Dox in his uni course when he was struggling with an assignment. Randomly emailing one of the other students asking for assistance. Dox Helped Box through his assignment and the two kept in touch throughout the course. Eventually finding out where each other lived and travelling across the country to see each other.  They now continue to speak and help each other out in their jobs and also are gambling buddies.

Connor Colist
(Older brother figure)

Older brother figures to Mars, Met him when he was in Middle school, Connor was a few years above him. He was also a troublemaker in school which caused Box to be drawn to him, Connor soon became an older brother figure to Mars. This only strengthened as time went on and ending up in the same High School though grew apart for a bit after Connor had dropped out of school, his brother Ivan never explained why. Only finding out later what was going on and reconnecting

Alloy Jordan
(Close friends)

Met in High School and were trouble makers together in school. Though the two don't see each other much any more due to having very different lifestyles

Theo Acker
(Close friend) 

not my character belongs to friend

Met in Highschool and often joins in on box’s antics 


Ivan Colist

Met him at the same time as Connor but was never the kind of person he would call his friend. He has no hard feelings against Ivan and remains neutral about him in all his time in knowing him. 

Caleb “Skit” O’neil (Neutral)

Mostly feels bad for his experiences but think his new look and abilities are cool

Anna Wright

Respects her skills with guns and dosent want to get on her bad side

Raymond Colist (Respects)

Connor and Ivans dad


Hugo McCoy (Enemy) 

Feels used by him

Quinn “Grimm” Garcia (Dislikes) 

Saw what he became, feels sorry for the people he knew were close to him and dosent really want anything to do with him now but dosent have much of a choice