Flou Corvarii



1 year, 2 months ago


Floriberto Corverii is one of the younger members of the Aristocrat Corverii family and works alongside his twin sister, Mou and his older cousin, Riden, to run their family's theatre. 

Flou is often seen as a very happy and cheery boy. He's very affectionate towards those closest to him and has no trouble makingnew friends. Despite being pretty young (for a vampire) he has excellent control over his blood lust. Underneath that happy demeanor is a calculating and scheduled individual. He takes his blood tablets on the hour and isolates himself until they take affect, during which he'll place his focus on something else. Despite his intelligence, his childish naivety leads him to be very trusting and automatically assume that everyone is the best version of themselves. He makes friends very easily and is very much loved by everyone who interacts with him.

If someone doesn't like Flou...something is severely wrong with that person

He's also known to be very competitive yet supportive of his fellow cast members. He likes to think that his mini rivalries with them are encouraging. Flou is mainly in charge of music and editing screenplays and occasionally does perform on stage as an understudy. His main hobbies vary greatly, but include reading and hanging out with a cat that appears to have grown attached to him. He tends to hyperfocus in a rabbit hole of interests and seems to find something to keep him busy nearly every week. He's very excitable when it comes to new things, his curiosity is endless, and he wants to share that joy with everyone else, though sometimes he can be a bit intense, but he means well. If he does something bad he recognizes it and apologizes immediately and practices more restraint. It is a repeating cycle though, as Flou needs constant stimulation otherwise he becomes restless

Flou looks up to his older cousin as a rolemodel. He respects Riden as an older brother figure, an actor, and vampire in general.