Vikal Hiruma: Komodo



6 years, 1 month ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.





Komodo is the strong silent type. He's not the one to boast or loudly enter a room, often appearing without any warning or notice. He keeps himself to the dark corners, watching vigilantly for any danger or disturbance. His demeanor is steely and cold, and his "all business" attitude can come across as rude to others. But if anyone manages to get past his rigidness they will find a kind a loyal friend. Komodo wants nothing more than to protect the people that gave him a home and companionship when he had none. Despite a cool, nonchalant attitude, Komodo has a lot of compassion that sometimes gets him into trouble. 

When it comes to relationships and romance Komodo keeps everyone at an arms length. While intensely loyal and devoted, he often fails at expressing deeper emotions. Not out of fear of rejection, but a belief that he will never be able to give others the emotional satisfaction they require. If Komodo were to have feelings for someone, he would spend his time simply watching over that person. His main focus on their happiness and safety.  

Komodo is obssesed with old American Kung-fu movies and Indonesian hip-hop music. He's muslim but kind of lazy when it comes to practice. He spends most of his days working out and keeping his body fit.


Vikal was born to Nita Sunda and Hoshiro Hiruma in West Java, Indonesia. Hoshiro was a Yakuza member traveling there for a deal. He was not a cruel man, just silly and too emotionally immature for fatherhood. After years of fighting with Nita He left when Komodo was just 5. 

Vikal spent the next 6 years with his mother in relative peace. He was obedient and did what his mother asked and never worried much about Hoshiro. They did not live in luxury, but Vikal enjoyed the humid mornings searching for lizards and playing with the koi in their garden. While some disliked him for his Japanese heritage, Nita never let him feel down about it for too long. However, it all changed after she died in a sudden hit and run. Vikal's whole world came crumbling down.

Shortly after her death, Hoshiro came to take Vikal back to Japan with him. Hoshiro was still a silly man, but he did his very best to take care of the terrified 11 year old Vikal. Vikal was enrolled into school where he was bullied viciously for being mixed race and having dark skin. This turned him into a severe and silent child. To help him gain confidence and protect himself, Hoshiro bought Vikal lessons in Penak Silat which he became proficient in. It was the first time Hoshiro really connected with Vikal and their bond grew from that point.

But the happiness didn't last long. Hoshiro's messy dealings from his past came back to haunt him in the worst way. One night they heard a crash and Vikal was shoved into the closet by his father. Vikal was forced to listen to the sounds of the last of his family being executed in cold blood. 

Komodo was found by Hoshiro's partner Kazuma, who took Komodo in and kept him safe as a promise to his friend. Vikal was completely mute for almost a year after due to the trauma, but kazuma slowly brought him out of his shell as time went on. Kazuma called him "little lizard" and "komodo" and it eventually stuck. 

Vikal started to go by Komodo only, hoping  by leaving his real name behind it might dull the pain of his loss. He transformed himself. Began to straighten his curly hair and began to dress in suits and business attire so no one would mess with him.  He pleaded with Kazuma to let him join the clan. Kazuma begrudgingly agreed and Komoro now walks dutifully by Kazuma and will protect him and his clan at all costs. 

Komodo now hopes to find the men who killed his father and drive his knife through their skulls. 


  • Quick
  • Intelligent
  • Skilled with katana/parang/kris/daggers
Unique Abilities
  • Master in Penack Silat
  • Strangely tough skin


  • The nickname "Komodo" was given to him by Kazuma, based on the animal the Komodo dragon. And also because of his strangely thick skin.
  • Komodo has ghost of scale tattoos down both his arms that he plans to finish one day.