
1 year, 2 months ago


She / Her
Baker & Gardener


quiet • friendly • GENTLE • HUMBLE

Doll is a very sweet and quiet person. She's not a very social person and tends to avoid talking to people if she can. Doll likes to do things that doesn't require a lot of interaction, and grew a passion for baking and gardening, most of the things she eats are things she grew or made herself. Though she doesn't like talking to many people, she never minds the company of her boyfriend Enzo, who she lives with.
Doll lives in a cabin her parents used to own. It's in a more secluded town in the middle of nowhere, where they rely on trading and acts of services rather than money, so Doll sells a lot of her baked goods and stuff she grows from her garden.


  • Baking and Gardening
  • Cute Dresses
  • Her Boyfriend <3
  • Red Velvet Cakes


  • Very Salty food
  • Loud spaces
  • Bigoted people
  • Beans


Doll was born in a very small town. Her dad is a Unicorn and her mom is a Cow, and they're both very business oriented people. Growing up Dolls parents were often gone during business trips. Doll grew up as a very quiet person, though she's not exactly shy, she just doesn't talk very much. She grew up very lonely, and had a hard time learning how to talk to people.

Up until middle school Doll had a very hard time keeping friends around. In her first year of middle school, she struggled to make friends. She noticed another kid who always happened to sit alone and decided to sit with him, because she decided that since they both sat alone maybe it'd be better if they sat together. His name is Enzo and is a hairless cat.

Doll and Enzo became very close throughout their school time. In highschool Enzo got in a lot of fights, and Doll brought him home to clean him up. Though Enzo didn't live with her, he was over so often he might as well have lived there. Doll had a very small, but not serious crush on Enzo during this time. She was too focused on the pressure her parents gave her to join their career path to think about love and other things in life like that, and she hated it.

Doll had become very passionate about baking and gardening, but her parents wanted her to become a business woman like them. During Dolls second year of highschool her parents ended up deciding to move away to a bigger city for business purposes, and so Doll could go to a business college after she graduated highschool. As much as she didn't want to, she ended up being pressured to go by her parents.

Doll ended up going to a Business college for about a year before moving away from her parents. She ended up moving back into their old cottage back in the small town she grew up in. The town relies on trades and acts of service rather than money, so she opened up a bakery where she traded her baked goods and home grown products. Soon after she set up, Enzo came by and saw it. They recognized each other and they reconnected.


• Heart shaped spots on her forehead, chest, and on her knees.

• Curly Cow

• Likes wearing cute dresses and cottagecore outfits

• Long Eyelashes

• Horn is not sharp, It's rounded at the end


• Has Autism and is Selectively Mute

• Has many many Cooking and 

• Love for gardening started from growing plants in her room

• She has a very soft voice, something similar to Duchess from Aristocats without the accent. 


image.pngEnzo | Boyfriend

Doll and Enzo met during Middle School. They both sat alone and didn't really have any friends so Doll started to sit with him. They reconnected when Doll moved back into town.




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