


1 year, 2 months ago


"Are you sure this isn't a dream?"


Name Sirius Azurés
Called Sirius
Age 17
Gender male
Height 65cm[feral]
Species Dog (Border Collie)
Occupation TBA
Birthday TBA
Strengths TBA
Weakness TBA
Abilities TBA
Designer Hishiro


  • Running
  • Travel
  • Sky
  • Astronomy
  • Coffee
  • Asahi[Yes]


  • Puzzles
  • Dark places
  • Strong scent
  • Hot Sun
  • ghost




do you know that his blue marks can glow?


scared of ghost but be friends or fight them, he was actualy pretty brave, but there's always a nightmare that make him afraid of them, but now he get used to seeing ghosts, he was the "never give up" person


he can caught ghost, freeing them from the pain, curses or grudges and even regrets that occurred when they were still alive in the past, that was his mission from Asora


he would definitely hears cute music


A young student that lives on a town and lost his friend(Asahi) because of a mysterious train accident. trying to solve a mystery about the mysterious train called ghost train.

an unknow train come out of schedule and kill(?) four people, one of them are Sirius Friend(Asahi). the body of the corpse gone and can't be found and the train was gone too.

after 2 years the case is being forgotten by people but not Sirius, he still searching the mystrey about the ghost train until he get a letter that said "do you want your friend back?, come to Antaraes street no.134". Antaraes...... that scary street?, Sirius come to Antaraés street no.134 and find weird stuff and people, he meet a young woman, she tell sirius "so you're searching your friend huh?", "IT'S YOU!" sirius Shouted, "wow calm down little kid, im not the kidnapper" said the woman "im Asora and.... you must be Sirius Right?" Sirius look at Asora eyes "Y...Yes?, how do you know....?" said Sirius, Asora laughted a little "Forget that, im gonna tell you a secret about the ghost train that you're searching for" said Asora while smiling.

Sora walked to her house, Sirius Folowed her to her house, "Welcome to our house" said sora, "our....?, there's other people beside you?" Sirius asked, "mhm there's my friens and few souls on this house", "Souls!?" Sirius shocked "yeah Souls, don't worry they're not a dead people, they will help you find your Friend", Sirius enter the house and meet two souls "that is Yuki and Yami the soulsgate guardian" said Asora, "here one soul for you, he named Yurei, he will help you find your friend. "hu...huh!?, What do you mean?" Sirius asked, "oh, i haven't told you...., you are going to an adventure in the spirit world with this soul to find people that take your friend", Sirius asked"why you want to help me?", "they actualy want to destroy the spirit world, i cant go to the spirit world because i must keep the portal to spirit world stable".

the adventure of Sirius and Yurei in a spirit world started now the story called 《Endless Psyche》.



Asahi [ Friend/semi crush (lol) ]

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Yurei [ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Ozul [ Idk ]

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