


1 year, 5 months ago


  • Clan: Ventrue
  • Motivation: The childe's ultimate goal is to surpass his sire and become the most powerful Kindred in Toronto, using his skills as a media consultant to manipulate both mortal and Kindred politics to his advantage.
  • Secret: The childe has a deep-seated insecurity about his own worthiness as a leader, and fears that he will never be able to live up to his sire's expectations.
  • Description: The childe is a young and ambitious man with slicked-back hair and a charming smile. He dresses in expensive suits and carries himself with confidence and ease.
  • Background: The childe was embraced by Aoife several decades ago, and has since risen through the ranks of the Ventrue to become the clan's Primogen in Toronto. He is known for his skill as a media consultant, and has his hands in the campaigns of many human politicians in the city.
  • Ally: The childe has a close alliance with the Toreador Primogen, who shares his love of art and culture. He also has a network of ghouls and mortal contacts who help him gather information and manipulate events to his advantage.

Name: Dominic O'Reilly

New Enemy: A Brujah anarchist named Selene, who despises Dominic for his political maneuvering and sees him as a symbol of everything that is wrong with the Camarilla. Selene has made it her personal mission to disrupt Dominic's political campaigns and undermine his influence in the city, using her connections to the city's underground networks to spread rumors and incite rebellion against the establishment.

Ghoul: Dominic's ghoul is a talented media strategist named Rachel, who is responsible for crafting his public image and managing his political campaigns.

Quote: "Politics is just a game, and I play to win. Whether you're a mortal or a kindred, the rules are the same."

Roleplaying Tips: Dominic is a smooth-talking and ambitious individual who is always looking for ways to gain more power and influence. He is charming and charismatic, but also calculating and ruthless when necessary. He has a knack for reading people and manipulating them to his advantage, and is not above using others as pawns in his schemes. He is fiercely loyal to his sire, Aoife, and will do whatever it takes to advance her agenda.

Key Information:

  • Dominic is a Ventrue, embraced by Aoife in the early 2000s and quickly rose up the ranks to become the Primogen of his clan in Toronto.
  • He is a media consultant by trade and has his hands in the campaigns of many a human politician, using his knowledge of the political landscape to gain valuable insights into the mortal world.
  • Dominic is a consummate politician and knows how to use his charm and charisma to sway others to his side.
  • He has a sharp mind and a talent for strategy, making him a valuable asset to both his clan and the Camarilla as a whole.
  • Dominic has his sights set on even greater power and influence, and is constantly looking for new opportunities to advance his career and expand his domain.
  • Despite his outwardly friendly demeanor, Dominic is highly competitive and has a deep-seated desire to prove himself to his peers and superiors.
  • He is deeply loyal to his sire, Aoife, and will go to great lengths to protect her and advance her goals, even if it means sacrificing his own ambitions in the process.