Carhice Aardzeth



1 year, 5 months ago


Carhice has been raised heavily on folktales and ghost stories. She comes from a family of bards, musicians, and poets but does not fancy those trades herself. She is a writer (but resents poetry). She is also very fond of gardening as her grandparents (whom she had been particularly close to) owned a mushroom and berry farm. Spring had quickly become her favorite season when she would harvest strawberries with her grandmother and forage mushrooms and berries with her grandfather. She enjoyed baking and drink-making with them as well and would often take trips across their small village to sell their goods.

Carhice's life took a turn when her grandparents both went missing under mysterious circumstances. She began a quest to find them and refuses to return home until they do. And if they never come home then she will never go back to her past.

Pansexual and polyamorous
Smells like mud and moss
Her favorite foods are almonds, hazelnuts, and cranberries
Very good at building campfires
Tends to apply minerals to her skin that gives it a golden shimmer

7'2, 120lbs, 103 years old.