★Auritian - Richard★



1 year, 2 months ago


King Richard | Adult | He/Him

Just gunna put here what I put in the discord don't mind me-

Richard here is the King of the Jellies!! Or.. That's what he'd tell you, anyway. He's not actually the king of anything, really- but he loves to play the part!! And no one's really stopped him? So... Here he is! King Richard. He's a bit of a snob, picky, hates getting dirty, loves wearing expensive clothing, lots of jewelry and is, generally speaking, VERY dramatic. Whines a lot, demands others do everything for him, and he can be a bit quick to temper. Cries big crocodile tears rather quickly if something doesn't go his way. Comes off very loud and almost assertive, but in reality is very shy. ALL bark, no bite. Took on the royalty lifestyle because he loves the idea of living luxuriously and having people unabashedly love him. Unfortunately due to his Delightful attitude, he just kind of ends up pushing people away. Slowly but surely he's learning to be better. 

Imprinted on a rich human who sought after the jellies, with the intention to 'own' one himself, but vastly underestimating the fact that the Auritians are NOT pets, and just what these cute little jellies are capable of............ Anyway! That's the story of how Richard can afford such nice clothes, food, and why he lives in such a big fancy mansion!! With his own butler!!!