Lorem Moore



6 years, 14 days ago


4/18/18. Cold-blooded demon hence the white skin. Has a twin sister and they're born after Sawyer. They're literally red and blue twins. I bet u feel silly now, Zacaly. Between the two of them, they were only born with one arm and four fingers. They're down to three, though, because she went into a mode and ate one off when they were small. Paw pads and a little, whip-like tail with a tuft of fur on the end (it's very soft.) Sorta piebald. Stump arm has a prosthetic hand that usually works... It doesn't have an arm connected to it, but is for the most part restricted to an arm's length of movement. Leaves little comet trails when it moves and glows in the dark. Has a couple protruding teeth which are sharp. They probably wouldn't be there if he worked 'em down, but it doesn't seem to be on his priority list. Various small, cartilage spikes on his body, mostly on his legs. Might be an albino...? We're not sure.

Usually, Lorem's laid-back and casual. He's grown up in a pretty crazy household into a pretty crazy family, so he's not as easy to phase. It can still happen, though. Like, if there's a cool ladybug or something. Soft of a mild personality, nothin' flashy. He was still raised by a couple of serial killers, though. He's got nothing against dabbling into murder and might even say it's essential to such a lifestyle. He won't argue if you disagree, he's just sayin'... Often kills by pretending to be slightly drunk, injured, and/or lost, needed into get home. Somebody will take pity on him eventually and he'll lead them off somewhere and they won't come back. He's pretty confident and comfortable with his criminal behavior, so there's no point in trying to threaten or reason with him. They most you'll get is a smirk. Although he is laid-back, he isn't one for sitting around doing nothing. It's not uncommon for him to spend his time walking around outside, through the trailer park, up to the village, or even to a city. Visits his siblings or relatives a lot because somebody gotta be doing something somewhere