$68 (WotW)



1 year, 2 months ago



Gorseflower ( Gorse Flower )










        Gorseflower is a soft-spoken and charitable feline. She is known to always appreciate the little things in life and be very observant of their surroundings. Fae is described as amiable and genuine by those around her, also known for being very sentient about most things.

          Her yearn for knowledge and life presents itself in many different ways, one of which is their love for nature and how she cherishes life as a whole. Fae is a very positive cat and can frequently be seen observing little things like flowers, growth, insects or other small creatures. This undying love for all things living can often get in her way of fulfilling necessary duties in faer’s role as a warrior, as in hunting or even foraging. They are aware how dire herbs are for the sake of her clanmates, so fae’s learned to mostly put this behind her. This also commonly interferes in hunting as well, but she also understands the circle of life and how important the nourishment of not only themself but faer’s clan mates is. Some understand her behavior but others can perceive it as odd.

         Gorseflower has a dainty, slim build, with slightly frayed, curly fur, especially around the cheek tufts and tail. They also have a curly tuft of hair on the top of faer’s head. She has small paws along with a small nose and medium sized ears that point out in the slightly. Fae has a light, dull sandy coat coloration that is slightly more muddied around the rear, tail and left side of her face. They have soft seafoam colored eyes with hints of a dull yellow in them. She also has a small peach colored amaryllis(?) tucked in front of their left ear.


 — VC : beabadoobee

 — She has ASD ( Autism Spectrum Disorder ) which mainly presents itself through:

      - faer’s trouble at perceiving others emotions

      - their sensory issues, which range from auditory sensory issues to textures of certain foods or objects/terrain.

      - her undying fascination in things that interest her and her passion to share faer’s thoughts on them.

                     but is not limited to such

 — Currently fae identifies their interest in others as unlabeled

 — She is very precise about things and is determined to keep herself and faer’s nest

      tidy and clean at all times, and will usually result in anxiety if not followed.

 — They have a faint aroma of honeysuckles and morning dew