


6 years, 2 months ago


NAME: ROBIN ELENA THOROUGHGOOD AGE: 36 (C. 1951) / 45 (C. 1960)


  • Born c. 1915 in Salisbury, England. English mother, American father; a very comfortable upper-middle class. Mother was the educated daughter of a wealthy businessman, and father was a children’s author. Robin is an only child.
  • In 1933 she attends Bedford College for a degree in Journalism and graduates in the winter of '38.
  • She lands a job at a large, thriving newspaper thanks to some solid credentials and artistic gushing from a handful of professor-friends. After two years of trivial essay columns and no hard hitting stories under her belt, Robin begs the paper to send her into the thick of WW2. They deny her the first several times she asks, relenting only after their former correspondent dies in the Blitz of London.
  • By 1942, she’s waist deep in trenches and cannon fire. She spends several months with a small brigade just south of France, and begins writing what she’d claim would be her first big piece. Robin reports the war first hand amidst the chaos, and takes various notes for her impending opus (fully intending to write a full length novel after the hype of the war). She’s praised by her superiors for exceptional coverage, and is pulled back into England just before the war’s end (much to her disdain).
  • Her novel, a fictional story following the tribulations of a handful of WW2 soldiers, is finished in the spring of 1949. It’s sent to a publishing company, but the package is intercepted by a fellow reporter. He steals the novel, edits his name onto the cover page, and assumes rights to the book with a single, black-inked signature.
    • Livid, Robin attempts to go after the thief. Her court cases go dismissed; unable to prove definitively that the novel was, without a doubt her own, after having penned the draft under a pseudonym.
  • She’d spend the following year fuming in London. Robin writes a handful of small, semi-successful novellas, and can only watch in horror as her stolen piece skyrockets onto the best sellers list.
  • Robin makes the move to Rapture in 1951, seemingly too bitter to stand living in England. She meets with a Mr. Stanley Poole, and earns herself a seat on the Rapture Tribune shortly thereafter.
  • Praised by fellow artists for her hard hitting journalism, she does a handful of positive pieces on Andrew Ryan upon becoming an official citizen of Rapture. While restless with the mindless ask columns that come soon afterward, Robin is pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable life under the sea is. She finds contentment, for a time. Before everything that can go to shit, does go to shit.
  • Starts sticking her nose in places it doesn’t belong— snoops around in Poole’s personal notes and finds out about the bribing between himself and Augustus Sinclair. Sits on that info for a cooollll second and starts digging a little deeper into Ryan’s inner circle. The floodgates are opened, she feels compelled to share with the public what she knows and while Rapture is on the brink of a civil war Robin does what she does best: write.
  • Under the pen name Bobbie Finch, Robin anonymously sends her articles to every mainline press outlet in Rapture; new headlines by the week. Finch is perceived either as a reckless, outspoken maniac, or a devoted follower of Atlas’ growing rebellion. Bobbie claims, in various articles, that both are absolutely the case.


  • She Is Charisma. What she lacks in social graces she makes up for in blinding confidence. Robin is by no means a socialite, but she can play dollies and dress up with passing success.
  • Has almost zero ladylike qualities; loud, passionate, emotional, obsessive, headstrong. She’s more likely to get along with army boys and bar-crawlers than debutantes.
    • Ironically, she’s always the one that gets sent to cover gala’s or swanky art shows. Just kill her now, have mercy.
  • Married once, ended in divorce after a year and some change. Refuses to talk shit on her ex-husband because he was a good man that tolerated more than he deserved.
  • Part bloodhound, probably. Can sniff out a lie about ten yards away, a real good judge of character. Will call your bluff in a microsecond if she thinks you’re bullshitting or wasting her time.
    • There is literally nothing else that frustrates her more than wasting her time, please don’t.
  • Very rational thinker; more inclined to realistic philosophies when she isn’t being propelled by gut feelings or fits of intense emotion.
  • 110% a screamer vs a crier
  • Is high key aware of how smart she is and will take any and every opportunity to high key shit all over your life and the lives of anyone that (she thinks) deserves it.
  • Rude With A Smile half the time, Sick Of Raptures Shit the other half.
  • Had eidetic memory as a child. Still does as an adult, however to a much lesser, selective extent.
  • Believes in truth and transparency above all else. “Wake up, sheeple” mentality; will do almost anything to get what she believes needs to be said on paper. While she’d rather avoid ruining her career or jeopardizing her safety in Rapture, she is willing to if need be.

Additional Info:

  • fc used is ruth negga.

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