
Oleander Fableton


-anxious a lot for some reason

-somewhat a perfectionist

-loves to read

-plays the violin

-goody two shoes


-Oleander in the dhmis universe he freinds with green guy and they talk about the news all that other stuff he knows red guy he just doesn't know what to say to start a conversation with him and yellow guy he just a kid that he helps from time to time ye, he feels like something bad will happen all the time when he gets near those three he just doesn't know why anyone else he feels fine but those three he doesn't know

-Oleander in the welcome home universe he great freinds with frank they love talking about books and bugs all the time he also freind with julie, they very weary of wally for some reason they don't know why but something tells em that maybe something bad will happen 

*Design wise I thought it be silly to make the hair look like they have horns even though they are a very good person*