Nieve Angelus



1 year, 1 month ago


Nieve Angelus
he / they
ice demon
fashion designer
don't cover yourself with thistle and weeds

Nieve is usually seen with a smile on his face, often wanting to seek the brighter side of things whether he believes it or not. His high empathetic nature renders him constantly putting the needs of others before himself, wanting nothing more than to see a smile on that person's face to return. Also strengthing this nature is the fact he does not view himself very highly, thus forgiving others easily or giving out second chances unless those he loves are put in danger. He has a hard time standing up for himself and often doesn't realize he is actually being put in a bad spot unless someone tells him that he is.

He is not usually the first to start a conversation, not necessarily shy but tends to avoid accidentally disturbing them. From talking to him people will know that he enjoys making new friends and enjoys hearing what they have to say. He gets attached incredibly easy, not wanting to be alone more than he needs to be. Developing a friendship means dealing with his incredibly affectionate behavior, he often is the hypeman for people and throws compliments around to make them feel loved and appreciated.

His abilities are underdeveloped, him being alone to discover what it is he's actually capable of. As a result whenever his emotions get too high he often removes himself from the situation, or responds in a way that may seem unconventional. He responds to many stress factors by laughing, ignoring, or pointing out other details. Its a tactic used to avoid the worst possible scenario; being a power he does or does not know about to come out and hurt someone. If he can't have control anywhere else, he wishes to have control in his own abilities.

It's uncommon for him be angry or upset. He can very easily be underestimated, given how he is, but breaking his limits can often lead to dangerous results.


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Subheading 1

Nulla tempus enim a venenatis rhoncus. Pellentesque venenatis egestas eleifend. Pellentesque eu mauris in mauris cursus egestas eu id velit. Curabitur condimentum ante enim, volutpat malesuada nisl aliquet id.

Nullam congue elementum felis id sollicitudin. Nunc eros neque, sollicitudin ac tempor a, fermentum a mauris. Duis dolor ex, maximus at accumsan at, pretium at nisi. Proin rutrum justo a nisi consectetur tincidunt. Ut a est diam. Integer vehicula ut velit et pulvinar.

Subheading 2

Fusce volutpat ornare congue. Mauris id eros imperdiet purus suscipit sollicitudin.

Donec volutpat dolor sit amet erat sodales, nec viverra leo gravida. Morbi tincidunt tempus mi, nec molestie sem molestie vestibulum. Curabitur quis lacinia neque.

Subheading 3

Integer venenatis ultricies malesuada. Aenean sit amet augue at quam convallis fermentum sed sed elit. Morbi sit amet odio mi. Phasellus nec sem justo. Phasellus mollis a augue nec eleifend. Nulla at suscipit lorem. Sed ut leo dolor. Vestibulum non blandit nisl, in interdum lectus.

Nam porta scelerisque ullamcorper. Maecenas consequat vel quam quis dapibus. Nullam ullamcorper enim ut tortor convallis, in suscipit dolor eleifend. Integer scelerisque, nisi sit amet auctor gravida, neque enim rutrum urna, nec ullamcorper turpis eros blandit ipsum.


  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Maecenas sed neque aliquet, iaculis orci rutrum, posuere sapien.
  • Donec sit amet commodo magna.
  • Sed fringilla nunc vitae arcu scelerisque, in euismod nisl lobortis. Nullam eget nisi tincidunt, consectetur mi eget, ultrices augue.
Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.