


1 year, 5 months ago



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Myles was born into a royal family branch of the Zulaarak clan. His family was in the shady business side of things meaning, Killing, stealing, and anything along those lines. So when growing up, he was left to his nanny to take care of him. Which she only wanted the money so Myles was usually by himself doing his own thing. As he was growing up, the desire of wanting attention turned into wanting power over the years. Eventually the name "Marked of the wicked" is what was the icing on the cake that made the tables turn. Myles devoted all of his time learning about this so called "Marked of the Wicked", He wanted to know everything he could know about this curse. At the time before Myles became what he is now, No one took him seriously and dismissed him. Which only fueled Myles rage more. Myles at some point in time is finally able to get into contact with a Kaeraa that knew how to acquire "Marked of the Wicked". Which once he got his hands on MOTW, he stayed with that Kaeraa to help him be able to master MOTW. Myles stayed with that Kaeraa until he was able to master it and use it for what he wanted to. To instill fear. That's all he wanted to do, From how everyone wronged him and dismissed his words. Once Myles had returned to his home, everything went into flames. Myles had terrorized his family and kingdom to show he wasnt kidding about what he said. Instilling the fear he had wanted to do so badly for so long. After some time Myles was forcefully exiled as he was jeopardizing his parents business and they couldn't afford for their business to fall apart. Especially how much they had to go through to get where they are. Once Myles had established a his own place, He began his own business and his own kingdom to rule. Which his business quickly advanced, way faster then his parents ever could. Soon enough, Myles had majority of crime businesses wanting to partner with him. They wanted to be in his power of how merciless he was and how many feared him. Myles finally had what he wanted after being kept in the dark most of his years growing up. He had the instilled fear and power he had craved for oh so long and he was basking in it as of now. Soon enough, Myles was faced with the challenge of dealing with two commanders with their second hands. Flint and Irene. They were becoming a problem quickly, creating issues for Myles as they made plans fall through and fail. Eventually Myles was ambushed by Flint with his second hand Rainer. Rainer had gotten into a extremely brutal fight as one of Myles wings was torn off from Rainer, But Rainer's front arm had be taken off by Myles. Which from there had forced them to retreat as they had been under prepared to deal with someone like Myles. As they both have something missing to remind them of that brutal fight on that day. Now Myles with Irene and Flint are constantly at each others throats as they create problems for each other with this businesses.


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