Chiharu Kiyomizu



6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Chiharu Kiyomizu




Kaiyouian Mermaid





Birth Place

Not known

Birth Date

February 2nd, 1996


Black with some Pink Stripes



Length (From head to fins)


Height (with legs)




Tail Colour


Pearl Powers

Not Known

Elemental Affinity



Apprentice Sorceress


Mermaid Appearance: Long hair, with bangs down the side of her head,  with some naturally occurring pink hair, giving her appearance of  striped pink hair.  Wears a pink shell-top, and her tail is 'whale type'  fins. She also has a single fin down her backside.

Human  Appearance: Very similar, except she'd wear a black tanktop, over her  pink bikini, and black skirt. Usually doesn't wear any shoes.

Personality: Trickster, Mischievous, and fun-loving.
Likes: Fish, and some human meat (Such as steak, etc), Swim races, and just having fun.
Dislikes: Having legs, and being too far from beach. Being bored.
Abilities:  Able to manipulate Ice element and small level Chaos elements. (More on  'chaos elements') She is also able to charm humans.

As with all Kaiyouian mermaids, Chiharu is capable of gaining legs with ease. However, she dislikes having legs.

Break down of her abilities:

*Charm  Ability: As a sorceress, she has mastered the old siren art of 'Charm',  with this, she can easily charm most human into having to do anything  she says. This works on both male and females. The human must either  see, or hear her, as she charms by either Glamour or Song.

*Glamour Charm - Makes herself look extremely attractive to even the most straight female or gay male.
*Charm Song - Use the power of voice to charm another, works if she is staring at the individual.
All Mermaids fully immune to this effect, and can see through the Glamour effect as well.

*Ice  Element affinity (strong): With strong affinity for ice, she's able to  turn any water into ice, regardless of temperature. She can also make  ice appear out of thin air, but only if there's enough humid in the air.  (IE: she can't summon ice in the desert)

**Ice Darts - Use nearby water to create ice darts
**Icy Fog - Creates icy fog in the area, and drastically reduce the temperature as well.
**Freeze - She could freeze any water. If a person is wet, she could freeze that person as well.
**Snowball - Causes a snowball to appear out of nowhere to be hurled at anyone.

*Chaos Element affinity (capable): Having studied into ancient art of Chaos, Chiharu has learned some chaotic abilities.

*Abilities as follows:
**Shroud - Can make herself somewhat invisible, only works on land.
**Window  - Able to 'see' through the eyes of any humans on land. Can only work  as long as she knows the human's name and face.  Only works briefly.  currently, this only works on human, but can eventually work on other  races. Does not work on any Kaiyouian mermaids.
**Night - She can make any room dark.
**Warp  - Causes the skin on her victims to basically 'warp' beyond recognition  for few seconds. Very painful for the victim. VERY rarely uses this  ability, unless she or someone she cares is in serious danger. Limited Range.

History: None so far.

Kaiyou Kingdom and everything related belongs to Punisher2006
Chiharu belongs to me