🦎 LEVI 🩺



1 year, 1 month ago


Leviathan Dhawan


A very brilliant and intelligent scientist who is the head of Razz’s lab team. He is mostly quiet and soft-spoken, but when given the right chance he can be incredibly witty and works well in stressful situations (which aids in why he’s such a good doctor). He helped free Eon after being trapped to be experimented on. He became affiliated with Razz after he offered to pay for his schooling with a scholarship, shortly after he ended up becoming close friends with Razz and trusting him very deeply, unable to fight off Razz’s charm. He bends over very easily to him, admittedly, willing to gloss over his more…”unsavory” parts. He doesn’t know the exact full extent of his crimes, but he does know deep down he is hiding something from him. While initially empathizing with Razz and his relationship with Masky, after Eon starts to get involved he starts to question his loyalty to Razz. Not wanting you know, A Literal Child to go through experimentation against his will, he argued against the decision very heavily. He tries to be the moral compass in Razz’s life, but sadly Razz is way too far gone for it to have any sort of major effect.