


6 years, 1 month ago


Name Nemewuni Uo
Age 23
Gender Feminine genderless (she/they)
Height 3'2"
Build Lithe
Species Keicoe fairy
Role Wandering troublemaker




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Nem is a deceptively hostile and aggressive creature of the forest. Though most fairies will avoid the society of regular furries, she takes the form of an ordinary fox to walk among them at night. She comes off as very kind, playful and bubbly, but in truth, she has a very short temper and is extremely loud and reckless when around people she knows. Those who aren't close to her will rarely see this side of her, with the rare exception of those who invoke her wrath; she won't tolerate attempts to control or manipulate her, and anyone trying to harm her or her friends may or may not live to tell about it. However, despite her vindictive personality, she lives among furries for a reason; She loves loud music, people, bright lights and having fun, and is a chaotic party animal whose lust for fun is insatiable. Playful pranks, mild vandalism and dumpster diving are always in the schedule when she's around.

She lives in a small apartment on the edge of town. Her mate lives there with her, and at a glance, one might not notice that anything is off about the small studio... However, it's not uncommon for those in the surrounding complex to notice odd fae activity and even catch a few flickering lights in the forest just beyond.



  • Stormy weather
  • Nightclubs
  • Arts and crafts
  • Witchcraft


  • Sunrise
  • Powerful streetlights
  • Cold weather
  • Being underestimated


Nem was originally a normal fox kit. In elementary school she had a boyfriend, who gave her advice she would later learn to be attempts at getting her to hurt herself. When she became lost in a forest made cursed by the magic of a nearby keicoe fairy colony, she turned to his advice and found a rhododendron tree in the forest. She ate its nectar, having been told that it wasn't poisonous, and the effect of the toxic flowers made her fall from the tree and die from a blow to the head. She was reborn as a keicoe fairy herself, the impact to her head now marked with a pink cherry blossom on her temple.

Once she was able to remember her past life, Nem became more mischievous than most young fairies, venturing into furry streets at night to cause trouble she couldn't as a regular furry herself. Her best friend, Tea, typically got roped into some of these adventures, culminating in one night when they went to the rhododendron tree that Nem died under. On this same night, her ex boyfriend - and his new girlfriend - came to visit the tree as well, where Nem learned that he had been telling everyone that he didn't like her, that she had forced him to be her boyfriend, that she had eaten the rhododendron flowers because she was just weird and stupid... This sparked what is now her trademark temper, and the only time any of the fairies in her commune - except for Tea - would see her visibly angry. Taking advantage of her knowledge of the town, and where her ex boyfriend lived, she took the form of her old body and used his guilt to drive him into confession, admitting what he did, before leaving him with the knowledge that she was still alive having ruined his reputation.

Despite her rocky start in life, she continued her life as a regular fairy into adulthood, no longer using her old appearance and instead creating a new disguise so that she could wander the streets unhindered with the freedom of an animal, going so far as to stake claim to an apartment with her mate at the edge of the forest so that she - and other fairies - can come and go as they please.


Tea Best friend


A fellow bud fairy, despite their contrast in height, Tea is several years older than Nem. Despite this, they've been best friends since shortly after Nem's rebirth. He's like her polar opposite; a terrible child in life, he's changed a lot for the better in the present, while Nem's innocence gave way to a deep malevolence. Despite their flaws, they're deeply loyal to each other and nearly inseperable.

Lunaco Mate


Though not common, some fairies are taken by furry technology and sciences. Lunaco is one of these, prying into sciences under the guise of your friendly neighborhood moth. Though he wasn't very close to Nem while her ex was still alive, he knew about the circumstances around her death and took her into his arms, damaged trust and all; They don't seem compatible, her chaotic wildness a stark contrast to his mellow intellect, but their love is immeasurable and she always comes to rest by his side at the end of the night.

Dumpass Best friend


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