Jesse Trey



6 years, 2 months ago




  • Real Name Cyril
  • Aliases Jesse Trey
  • Species Siren
  • Gender Male
  • Age 72 years old
  • Height 5'9 ft
  • Occupation Teen Idol/Pop singer/Musician
  • Family None
  • Layout watergems



• Charismatic • Fake • Cocky • Greedy • Careless • Cruel • Playful •

Jesse Trey is a popular Pop singer and adored by millions. Little does the public know he’s not human. He creates hoards of adoring fans with his siren songs and devours unsuspecting VIP fans he invites backstage to sustain himself.
Jesse's real name is Cyril, but when he's taking to a persona, he tends to go strictly by his idol persona name to avoid mix-ups. He's good at taking to character as sirens should be and loves the limelight. His previous persona was involved in a boyband and he doesn't care much for that. Sirens tend to clash as they're running the same show for sustenance.

He's completely full of himself and likes to show off his success. When he's not wearing his 'Charming, soft, smiley' mask he's known to make snide remarks and can be openly cruel to those he knows he doesn't have to pretend in front of, often in a childish careless way.


Sirens are a subspecies of demon that feed off the lust of humans. Luring them in with a exquisite melody and entrancing them with a vision of beauty. They devour their victim leaving nothing behind.
Classic sirens no longer exist in this universe. There are two types, one being Avian. Avian sirens that once were a much more proud type remaining in their rocky coastlines. They would lure humans from the seas but then turned to land as well. Over time their vanity got to their heads. They would tend to play with their food and mock them. Some they let go to tell others of their fearsome might and cleverness. They became known as harpies. Their reputation for being malicious, powerful creatures with insatiable appetites grew. Stories of them plucking people from where they stood and snatching any food they could find in farms or villages spread. Those who claimed to have killed a harpy were celebrated. Soon they became a trophy kill and were hunted down seemingly out of existence as none have been seen for centuries.

Then there's the aquatic sirens, they were patient and successful but as time went on there were no prey to catch out at sea like there once were. And the tales of mermaids as they were nicknamed were now just that, tales. v They have adapted and evolved to follow their prey onto land. Less like fish and more like amphibian, they can now live on land without much need of water. The most common path sirens take are becoming idols/singers fully utilizing their melodic traits of their ancestors still. More commonly living around coastlines, marshlands, swamplands, bayous and other land near or that's terrain includes water. Though baths, showers, and pools are suffeciate water sources too.

They have also mastered their mimicry of human beauty and appearence to hold it for exceedingly long periods of time.Sirens in this universe take the form of a new and upcoming Pop singer for about 2-3 years, retire the form and then take a new form for the next upcoming pop singer– rinse and repeat. It’s a lucrative consistent business for sirens.


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Pianist
Supernatural Abilities
  • Hypnosis
  • Shapeshifting
  • Strong sense of smell
  • Fast regeneration
  • Devouring people whole