Creme Patissiere Cookie (Pastry Cream Cookie)



1 year, 21 days ago


Now, who might this be? With a cloak of puff pastry hiding his identity, Pastry Cream Cookie walks amongst the civilians of the Crème Republic, blending in and being treated as one of them. And, that is all he could wish for, as being recognised is never his goal. Delicate cream hair, though visible under the hood, don't betray his true identity enough. To the civilians, he is just one of them.

In a story-type area, Pastry Cream Cookie would be the first one to meet/interact with Gingerbrave and friends. He carries himself as somewhat refined, though is also quite cautious when it comes to conflict. He much prefers to stay out of things and hangs back when they have to fight some enemies. The faux civilian ends up traveling with the group by accident, they think he's the Cookie they were supposed to meet and he didn't have the heart to tell the truth, so he tags along for their adventure outside the Republic. They learn a little bit about his past, and he learns more about why they were there. There had been some concerns across various other Kingdoms related to more cake monsters appearing, and the gang had been sent there. Pastry Cream Cookie tells the group that he would inform the Counsel about this, and returns to the Crème Republic alone. Gingerbrave and friends would eventually learn of his true identity as Crème Patisserie Cookie when they return, seeing him up on a stage and announcing to a crowd something about the Paladins. Later, he confirms to them that he is Pastry Cream Cookie, but asks them to keep this a secret since he isn't a big fan of crowds.