Someone here for the first one? Feel free to look in any folder

I liked This one

You mean the yellow & white one or the blue & grey?

Yellow and white, and I'd be down to trade!

Anyone from here for the first one? otherwise I can offer 1-2 flat fullbody for the first one

Hello! I can offer a flat full-body (or equivalent of) for #2 here are my examples!

Yea totally!, Could you draw Him?

For sure! Is there any specific posing, clothing, bg, etc you want?

Hmm, maybe leaning over a railing of a boat? Or sitting on like a Thorne. If neither of those work I'm fine with whatever you come up with ^^

Alrighty, sounds good! I'll get back to you soon with that! :)

Heya how's the art coming along :)

1 Replies

I could offer just about anyone here (excluding the first two folders), literally anyone here, and/or any amount of art/customs for ! I love them

Heyo! I can offer anyone in my storage (link can be found in UFO) or my UFO for

I liked This one

Yea I’d be cool with that!! I’ll transfer him now