


1 year, 1 month ago



Name : quietviolet
PREFIX –– named for his quiet nature
SUFFIX –– for the flowers in his fur
Pastnames : Bow
Age : 40 moons
Birthseason : fall
Gender : tom (he/dhey)
Rank : architect
Residence : the warren
Mentor : tbd
Apprentice : content

Summary : A lithe black and white tuxedo with round green eyes.
Breed : mixed breed
Eye Colour : green
Height : 10"
Body Type : lithe
Tail : medium length
Scars : none for now

kind . forgiving . cowardly

Quietviolet is clever in that way of gathering other cats around him. He is easy to talk to and always willing to listen yet, sometimes the things he says don’t have much substance if you really listen. He’s well-meaning and kind but a little selfish when he is trying to accomplish something.

  • gardening
  • taking naps in the field
  • making trinkets
  • fighting
  • being alone
  • liars
Fears : Not being good enough for Camelliathorn and the Warren.
Habits : likes to clean up camp while dancing.
  • Duis in orci a massa aliquet ultricies.
  • Vestibulum id enim non est accumsan blandit vel id nunc.
  • Donec pulvinar mauris nec nunc finibus, sit amet posuere nibh consectetur.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Fancy (NPC)
Mother : Pearl (NPC)
Sibling : Camelliathorn (sister)
Mate : Echo (Ex-mate)

Born to Fancy and Pearl alongside his littermates, Sprinkle and Confetti. Right from the beginning Confetti is the star of the show among their parents and the twolegs, she is the prettiest of them all and uses that to her advantage. Bow isn't jealous but he does start to resent her for it, he and Sprinkle crave the attention given to their other siblings but grow to live without it. Afterall, they do have eachother.

Life under Camellia's rule is good at the beginning. She is a charming leader if a bit close-minded. Bow takes on the responsibility of helping out the cats who are less than pleased with her leadership. They find him easier to handle and more agreeable by miles. He starts to crave this small taste of power, wishing to be in his sisters role. He could do a lot more good for those in need. Things began to devolve after Sprinkle decided to leave; ending in a coup with Camellia thrown out. Bow didn't feel that bad in the end, she was a sloppy leader and cared too much about the adoration, not enough about the actual job. Dhe just didn't expect things to go that far.

Bow lives with Sprinkle and her mate for sometime, at least ling enough to see their kits born. He loves them immediately and wishes that Camellia could be here to see them too. Dhe intends to leave and bring her back but that plan is derailed with the arrival of a new cat, not much is known about them but they go by Echo. She's a strange thing with an odd pelt color and ideas too big for the twoleg place they all live in. He can't help but fall for them even as Sprinkle tries to warn dhem that fire like hers can't last. Citing Camellia as a source.

She's 100% right of course. Echo ends their courtship with nothing but an embrace and something about being chosen for better things. Heartbroken and embarrassed, Bow leaves the twoleg place that night. Searching for anything to distract from the pain. Looking for Camellia is the best choice (excuse).

code by jiko