


1 year, 2 months ago




Hello Kitty

Gender. female

Age. unknown

Height. 6'4"

Species. angel

Occupation. guardian/provider

Orientation. biromantic

MBTI. tba


Let's be friends forever, I wanna do everything with you together!

Quite literally the sweetest angel sent from above, Wynter is a warm and welcoming ball of marshmallows who's on a mission to gift sugary treats to all those who have been well-behaved. Mostly children, but she doesn't really limit herself to them only.

Wynnie has a big fascination with the mortal realm and is very fond of the little trends and ways of living within it. Although a bit unfamiliar, she definitely doesn't shy away from participating with the mortals' day to day lives, which might alarm or inconvenience the poor souls she happens to stumble upon. But it's all just good fun, in her nonexistent eyes at least.



Wynter's often a little dense when it comes to the modern world and it's ideals, but she's always curious and eager to learn new things. There's this certain carefree and fun-loving demeanour she shows off, but at the same time isn't particularly overbearing. At times, she can be more lax, and very often doting towards individuals who happen to catch her attention. Despite this, she does still recognize what a sin is and what isn't, and will be firmly critical of individuals who are up to no good. She's also extremely affectionate and loving towards her friends, usually spoiling them rotten at every chance she gets (to the point it feels threatening at times!).


She's lived a pretty mundane life in heaven, though visiting the mortal realm became a huge thing for her. It was more lively there, more passionate. She found it fascinating that mortals would be this fun, considering that compared to her, their time was limited in this world. She find this quite charming and decides to dwell closer amongst mortals whilst still doing her job.


♥ She's edible!! You can literally eat her body parts, she is made of marshmallow and will regenerate lost bits of herself! She doesn't mind people taking a bite out of her at all ahaha (her flowers are edible too, very sugary and sweet! healthy too, she is very much all natural sugar)

♥ Wynter may not have (visible) eyes, but she can see just fine

♥ She's really generous with hugs and snuggles, though still has yet to understand physical boundaries... (she will gladly back off if told to)

♥ Fella's a little cringe, but at least she's free


sanrio characters
sweets and dairy
meeting new people


mean people
(most) demons
smoke and alcohol


Kennedy [ best friend ]

Quite an odd fellow for her to stumble upon, but Wynter has no complaint whatsoever! She's extremely fond of Kenny and writes to her often. Basically, pen pals who pay each other visits from time to time. Kenny's a bit more of a chaotic goofball compared to Wynter, but they balance each other out pretty well.

Name [ relationship ]

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