


6 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Sullivan ???

Nickname(s): Anything with respect

Sex: Male

Race/species: Gray wolf (Melanistic)

Age: 40

Orientation/Sexual preference: Homosexual

Mental state: Healthy

Personality snapshot: Loud, clumsy, and happy. Sullivan is starting to get gray hairs but has the same energy as when he was a pup, as well as the innocent outlook and willingness to trust and love all that come his way. He has his serious side as well, and often times takes a temporary role as Nigel and Rajah's father figure, to scold and offer words of guidance. 

Most prominent personality trait: Happy

Best traits of their personality: Loving, trusting

Worst traits of their personality: Gullible, lack of caution

Current faith(religion): Strong belief in God however does not tie himself to a specific branch of Christianity 

Current superstitions/quirks: Believes in ghosts

Marital status: Single

Occupation: Prepares props, helps with scripts, manages money, sells tickets-General assistant.

Good habits: Exercises regularly, drinks lots of water, 

Bad habits: Smokes cigars, 

Abilities(As in powers): N/A

Special skills(Not meaning powers): Swaps between a feral and anthro stance a skill that is rare, and unfavorable in this universe. He prefers walking as a quadruped despite the hatred he receives for it, says walking upright is awkward and unnatural.

Hobbies: Landscape art, editing, 

Backstory: TBA