Cutesy Persian ($30 - ADOPT)



1 year, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


° .✦ Cutesy Persian ($30 - ADOPT)) ✦. °

・ By buying them you have the right to change items of clothing and hair, but I ask every buyer to avoid changing skintones and details such as making character thinner or changing ethnic features;

・ Once you buy the character I own no right over them other than the base design;

・ You can resell or trade the character for the same amount or less than you bought it originally, unless, ofc, it includes extra art and/or significant design changes;

・You will receive a link for a drive folder with the character in full quality and transparent background;

・ $30 in USD, R$60 BRL.

Be creative while also respecting the characters that I pour my heart into! Ty very much ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

° .✦ I am currently accepting payment via pix (BRL only) and paypal ✦. °

Also if you use them for crypto stuff I will eat your toes.