
1 year, 2 months ago



“That is one good thing about this world. There are always sure to be more springs.”


apid had not always been a king, nor had he always been a Major Daemon. Born as one of many bastard sons of the previous monarch, Rapid had once been a Sith wishing for more in life than stale bread and tending to his mother's familiar shop. It was not exciting work, nor was it humble work, and Rapid had grown restless. He wished for grandeurs and respect, not realizing that one day he would inherit his father's power.

But the life of a Major Daemon was not one he asked for either; while at first it may have been exciting, now the expectation of Spring is too much for him to carry on his small shoulders. But overlooking the seasons new growths and life is nothing compared to the dread of being expected to supply it; as the Spring King, it is expected of him to breed for heirs-- and keep breeding. This was not the attention he wanted, but the weight of expectation does not care about rights and wrongs and wishes. Unable to stand up for himself, he follows tradition; after all, Chaos willed this into being, right? All Rapid wants now, in over 500+ years of ruling the Spring Court, is to settle down with a singular wife or husband to love with all his heart, to have tha confidante and friend, but nature calls...

He is not a fair king and often treats his responsibilities with disdain. If he's not having fun, then what's the point? He despises anything to do with Spring, and he despises his children whom are living reminders of his duties. While he is not a tyrant king, he's not responsible either; he'd rather party only to complain about his broken nails later.


Name Rapid
Title The Spring King
Age 500+ years
Gender male
Pronouns He / him
Origin Grossa, Spring
Height 6'4"
Build Slim
Key clover trapped in amber
Court Spring
Class Major Daemon
Sexuality Bi
Magic Level godly
Occupation King
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Affiliation Spring Court


  • ✦ sakura blossoms
  • ✦ silk
  • ✦ cleanliness
  • ✦ bonfires
  • ✦ sex


  • ✦ breeding
  • ✦ the cold
  • ✦ his kids
  • ✦ messes
  • ✦ rabbits

Magic Domains

  • ✦ Spring rain
  • ✦ maturing
  • ✦ flowers
  • ✦ fertility
  • ✦ childbirth


Watcher tba
Hand tba
Son tba