. Enzo



1 year, 2 months ago


Prince Enzo Allazrous

Enzo Allazrous is second oldest of 8 boys and is the second oldest prince to King Allazrous. 

Enzo is a cunning, and smart person, however can be a bit cruel. He has a tendency to feel jealous when others have something he wants. For example: His father favoring his older brother over him

Enzo has extremely low cold resistance, which has lead to many saying he is truly cold blooded.

His favorite animals are snakes. He thinks they are adorable and he relates to them.

Enzo has had many issues in the past. The loss of his mother hurt him a lot. He was a mama’s boy before Sombra (his youngest brother) came along, and even after but he felt like he had to fight for her attention. When his mother died he felt it was Sombra’s fault due to the circumstances. So he began doing everything he could to ruin Sombra’s life.

Enzo’s hobbies include reading, writing, and doing whatever his father requires of him. 

He is 6ft 2in. 

Has long black hair that is pulled back into a long pony tail by a yellow ribbon given to him by his mother. He is never without this ribbon. 

He has yellow eyes (not a natural color I know but like- it’s fiction) and is generally described as being pretty pale

Youngest brother (Sombra): https://toyhou.se/20925461.sombra
