


1 year, 2 months ago


Whorlmist is a warrior.

He has short calico fur and yellow-green eyes. 

He's very smart, and uses that knowledge to be sneaky.

Constantly rethinking his life choices. Came out as trans-masc in the fourth moon.

Was caught breaking the Warrior Code...

He's an adult, and a clan founder.

Mentor to Crestedpaw. 

Mated to Tanglebird. He begins to have an overwhelming desire to become a father and have kits, but knows this will be difficult because he is trans, and his mate is a female rather than male. He begins to discuss creative solutions with her. Tanglebird is uncertain of the right path to take, but as medicine cat they don't feel prepared to have kits, and give permission to Whorlmist to start their family by any means necessary.

He broke the Warrior code... again... While wandering around the river rethinking his life decisions, he slips and dislocates his leg.

He ended up expecting kits... again... Tanglebird had broken things off with him, but after the kits were born she began to feel a motherly instinct toward them and the couple got back together, although they never discussed the origin of the kittens and were determined to raise them as though they were born of their own union.

Whorlmist has been out patrolling, and brings news to the clan of Sunnyview's death. His voice cracks as he describes their best times together over and over again, while the others cry and reminisce as well.