


1 year, 5 months ago


Wildwillow is a warrior.

Wildpaw is an apprentice, mentored by Birchfur.

He has short brown fur with a single stripe from head to tail, and pale yellow eyes.

He was quite a noisy kit, and grew into a bold apprentice.

Originally he claimed that his name was Sloekit, but this sounded like "Slow Kit" to the others, and Shystar thought he may be teased because of this. She also felt that he would benefit from a new name to go along with his new start on life, so that when he heard his name and thought of himself, he would only associate that with positive memories. She is known for her compassion.

An acquaintance gave him pretty cicada wings, and he began wearing them as an accessory.

They were found at the border of the territory and taken in for protection. They'd apparently been abandoned by their mother.

When he grew and became a warrior, he was known for his empathy, as well as being a fantastic hunter. He took a liking to Whiz Kid, especially her shiny golden collar and unusual name, and the two became closer and closer once she retired and began spending time around the camp more. That very moon, an eagle nearly carried him away, but he fought it off by himself, although flies became quite a pest after that occurrence, and made healing rather uncomfortable.