


6 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Early 20's



Current living situation

Cheap apartment shared with friends




Currently in college studying (?)


Unemployed, eventually finds a job at a small tea shop


Canon appearance:

He has the head of a fried egg and wears lots of pinks since that's his favorite color. He’s a slim dude, average height. He’s white.

Human version:

Eggy has the same build, same clothing, except he bleached his hair blonde to match the yolk. His original hair color is brown. Human Eggy wears squared glasses.


Eggy is a pretty casual and carefree guy. He looks out for the people he cares the most for in his life like friends and family.


  • Anime
  • Manga
  • His friends
  • Boba tea

Positive aspects of Eggy:

  • He is a very loyal friend. Eggy will stick out and support for you even when things are rough
  • Eggy never fails to lighten the mood. He’s a treasure to have around
  • Forgiving of past mistakes
  • He’s an optimistic character
  • Eggy’s very sociable, which makes him a lot of friends

Negative aspects of Eggy:

  • Due to his friendly person he can get handsy with people he just met. (ex. Putting his arm around them, getting super close)
  • Eggy fails to see the dangers in his fake friends because of his overly optimistic and forgiving nature
  • He can get overly excited, and spring his friends into things they haven’t agreed upon
  • He has trust issues in romantic relationships
  • People pleaser


Eggy first met Trash in school during sophomore year. He latched onto his newfound emo friend and refused to let go. They’ve been best bros since then and even moved in together! 

  • they kissed once in highschool and regretted it thoroughly
  • trash is the closest person to eggy, they understand each other very well
  • eggy always tries to understand the newest video game trash is fixated on, despite being foreign to it
  • fistbumps always insue
  • "what would i do without you, man?"


Comix got introduced into Eggy and Trash’s life by looking for listings on cheap apartments. He’s the official moderator for Eggy’s antics, although somehow gets sprung into them anyways.

  • they both bond due to eggy's love for manga, and comix's love for graphic novels.
  • they also quarrel over which is more superior 
  • eggy helps comix come out of his shell and begin socializing with others
  • in return, comix shows eggy the importance of spending time with oneself 

Eight’s introverted, practical type and Eggy’s extroverted careless self was a surprising dynamic to everyone when they found out the two began dating. They met at a library after Comix and him set out to find new manga/novels to read. 

  • eggy calls him "V" due to having no understanding of roman numerals like at all 
  • eggy began heading out to the library almost every day to see what his newfound crush was up to
  • eight at first was weirded out by this random guy suddenly talking to him but after the silently established ritual of talking about each other's day and helping each other study, eight appreciated eggy's company
  • eight does his very best to support eggy when he's going through bouts insecurities about the relationship