Miina Aimoto



6 years, 2 months ago


Name Miina Aimoto
Age 17
Gender Female
Height 5'8
Race Japanese






  • Miina loves cats. She's always wanted to do volunteer work at shelters, and she adores Tsubasa's cat, Cloud. It's basically her cat, too, at this point. Although she's often embarrassed to start talking about them, once you get her started, she won't want to stop!
  • She doesn't really like things like potato chips and candy. Although she enjoys the occasional caramel candy or strawberry gummy, she'd rather snack on some carrots.
  • Her favorite color is pink, and she isn't afraid to express that fact. She believes pink is an inherently comforting color.
  • She believes in miracles and good luck cycles, and often relies on this to get her through a day.
  • She'd like to be more high-fashion, but she's so out of the loop that she'd rather focus on other things before learning what's in.

Miina Aimoto


Miina is a kind and rather outgoing girl with a personal duty to provide love and companionship to others. She loves to be helpful -- to be someone people can trust. It's very easy for her to trust others. She's very talkative when she gets the chance. She'd be able to keep a whole conversation just on her own. She's very hardworking, and tends to overwork herself at times, and in turn is often tired. She strives to carry other's burdens, but sometimes, she ignores her own. She's always wearing that pink sweater for some reason? She's tougher than she looks!



  • Being helpful
  • Her friends and family
  • Flowers
  • Giving presents


  • Having nothing to do
  • Wearing contacts
  • Car rides
  • Seeing others sad


The core of her talent. Miina is very perceptive, and it's easy for her to pick up on other's emotions and understand them, making it easier for her to help in tough situations. She's one to let others into her home for a meal or to simply talk to someone who's feeling lonely.

As Miina's mother was an excillent cook, Miina learned some of these skills in return! She'd always ask her mom about recipies and secret ingredients. She's not the best cook in the world, but it's one of her favorite hobbies.

Every morning, Miina gets up early and goes for a run! She loves keeping fit, and has an impressive muscle mass. Part of it is from self-defence training, and part of it is from keeping a rather rigid schedule. As she became busier with the student council, however, her schedule has eased much, much more, to Tsubasa's relief.


Miina grew up an only child, and never knew her dad as he wasn't a prominent prescence in her or her mom's life. Her mom always did her best to provide for her, and although they were never best friends, Miina holds much respect for her. Miina was a rather plain child. Not too outgoing. In fact, she was pretty shy. She didn't have many friends until her nextdoor neighbor, Tsubasa Suzuki, moved in to her apartment complex. The two were the same age, so Tsubasa's grandma and Miina's mom set them up on playdates. The two were quick to become close, and would then grow up together. They had a small group of friends -- just Miina, Tsubasa, and two other girls. However, as middle school rolled around, no one could predict what was to come. A car crash tore Miina and Tsubasa's two friends away from them, way too soon. Miina cared about them so much, as any good friend would, and as such tried her best to pull them out of the rubble and save them, to no avail. As she was the only one left unharmed, and Tsubasa was the only one she could save, the guilt was overwhelming. As thankful as she was to be able to save her very best friend, she knew she would never be able to forgive herself for their lost lives. She was convinced it was her fault, that if she hadn't even came then everything would've been fine. As she grew and coped with the event, she realized what she wanted to do. She never wanted anyone to feel alone -- she never wanted anyone to be hurt, she wanted not a single person to cry as she had. She couldn't leave the job to anyone else any longer. So, with a newfound purpose, Miina dedicated herself every day to become stronger, both mentally and physically, so she could be the person everyone could rely on. So she could be the person who loved everyone. The concept seemed like the right thing to do. Not only for her late friends, not only for Tsubasa, but for herself, too. So, she began her work. She took self defense classes, learned each and every procedure to save lives, and began carrying a purse with important supplies everywhere she went. The supplies consisted of bandages, to first aid kits, to stress balls, to her special childhood plushie. And with each step she took in her life, Tsubasa was by her side. She took up many hobbies, and they were...fulfilling. Although she always struggled with self-image, she'd try to remind herself that she needed to be protected, too. That she wasn't immediately left out from the kind of love she sought to spread, no matter how much she didn't want to hear it.


Tsubasa Suzuki girlfriend

"The light of my life! I'd say that she's my angel, but she's everyone's angel, I have to be honest. She's the kindest person I have ever met in my entire life. If it weren't for her, I would be a completely different person. She changed me for the better and continues to every day with her soft voice and gentle reminders. I'm way too hard on myself sometimes, so it feels...very, erm, nice...to have that sort of constant reassurance. I don't know why she's never left, but I'm so thankful she hasn't. I do my best every day because I know she'll be happy if I do. She's my best friend, my girlfriend -- my wife. She's the person I want to be with for the rest of my days!"

Kirarin Niseshinzo best friend

"A person who is very dear to me. She's smart, kind, caring, and she's hardworking in everything that she does. She's too hard on herself, really...I want her to ease up a little, and she's working at it, I can tell. I'm very proud of her. She's been another constant support, a comforting friend who I love to see. She has a heart of gold underneath it all. Every time I see it unfurl, I feel like I'm about to cry...I hope I can always be there for her just as she was for me, even if I'm stubborn sometimes. I always want to be there to watch her sparkle-sparkle."

Kaoru Takenaka best friend

"Kaoru-kun is very important to me. He has been through many hardships in his life and although he has a, well...rather odd sense of self, I wouldn't change a thing about him. He's, deep down, very caring and thankful towards his friends. He's come to every single one of my house parties, even when everyone else was busy, he simply sat with me and watched T.V. He's always, always welcome in my home, welcome to have dinner with me and talk without words. I wish he'd eat more than just spaghetti sometimes, though, you know? Ahahah, well...that's our Kaoru-kun. He opened up to me, and I opened up to him in return. I hope we will always be friends."

Mahealani Noelani best friend

"Mahea-chan is a shining star in the night sky. Always excitable and full of positive emotion, it'll cheer you up just to sit next to her on the couch! She's been a wonderfully supportive person towards me, and every time I see her, it makes me feel all sunshiney inside. She's an inspirational figure, for sure. Always cheering everyone on. Always cheered me on, too. I see lots of similarities between us sometimes. She's like my sister! She'll always know when someone's feeling bad. Oh, and she's so strong. The way her character has changed throughout the years is unlike anything I've seen before. She's so devoted to being good. I look up to her in many ways. Never stop cheering us on, Mahealani."

Laila Andrada good friend

"Laila-chan is Kirarin-chan's girlfriend, and also one of the sweetest people I have ever has the pleasure of talking to. She's kind, helpful, empathtetic, and infinately patient. I'm so glad Kirarin-chan introduced us, because we share so many passions and interests. Tsubasa-chan really likes her, too. I'm so glad she's dating Kirarin-chan, oh my God! They get along so well, and it's obvious that Laila-chan helps her just by being there. If she's by her side, Kirarin-chan rarely stutters. It's like she has this calming energy-thing. She and Kirarin have been through a lot together, so I'm thankful that they'll always be there for each other."

Miyu Asari good friend

"Miyu-chan is a very kind person. She's seemingly always perky and willing to help out, especially with choirwork, her favorite. She's sat with me in the student council room for hours, just helping me fill out papers and assignments. Even though I'd frantically deny needing any help, she'd say, 'Nonsense, Miina-chan! That's no way to get things done', or something of the like, sit down, and hum as she began to work away. She's very smart, and a good friend of Tsubasa-chan's, as well. Let's become even closer, Miyu-chan."

Ren Ikeda acquaintance

"Ikeda-chan is often at Miyu-chan's side. I assumed they were dating, so I said, 'You two are cute together!'. It turns out at that point in time that they weren't dating. Uh, that was embarrassing...hahahah! When they actually started dating, I said it again, and the three of us had a giggle. Ikeda-chan is incredibly smart, kind, hardworking, and gentle. She insists that her and Miyu-chan are polar opposites, one being friendly and outgoing and the other being shy and reserved, but I think they're a lot more similar than she likes to think. I trust Miyu-chan to take good care of her, and I only hope I can get to know her on a more personal level..."

Hayato Aozora acquaintance

"I see Aozora-kun sitting in the library almost every single time I come in there. He's always got some huge novel in his hands and he's reading with complete focus. We've talked a few times, and each time we have, he's blown me away with how much he knows. He's really smart in general, but no one can beat him when it comes to puzzles. He is the Ultimate Puzzle Solver after all. I think he does detective work as well? Tsubasa-chan is closer to him than I am, but I hope to change that fact some day soon."