
6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Stella

Meaning: Star

Age: 24

Personality: Stella is a mature and classy woman that enjoys only the highest quality selection of goods. She is passionate about art and music, taking up many hobbies to distract herself from her shallow upbringing and to keep her occupied throughout the day. Stella tends to be a bit hot-headed and rebellious, wanting to do things her way and refusing to let others tell her what to do, which puts a strain on her relationship with people. She's haughty and because of it, she often keeps to herself, opting not to make friends with others. 

Relationship: Single

History: Stella is a young aristocrat living on her own after her parents died when she was 18, leaving their wealth to her. Bored of human civilization, she hid herself away from others, only seeing others on rare occasions, such as her weekend classes. 


  • Plays the violin, the piano and flute 
  • Takes ballroom dancing classes as well as croquet classes on the weekends 
  • Has a knack for painting fruit, and only fruit
  • Used to have long, Rapunzel hair until she cut it in a fit of rebellion