


1 year, 2 months ago


her new name is shinsō, a mix of the Japanese words for crimson + disguise referring to her mask. she does not speak, her familiars named her. the name is masculine to make her appear more like the gender she biologically looks like. Assumed to be a hermaphrodite. 

her newer image refers to her new design :)

she’s a heavily mutated mizutsune who wears a mask to hide her missing fins. ofc she’s already an anomaly by being a colorful ‘female’ of her species 

similar to alatreon, she can change her typing but she’s a lot more balanced/controlled as it just depends on what monster parts she wears on her necklace. the bubbles she produce conduct whatever element is produced from said parts. if no element is present, it defaults to basic bubble effects. BUT since she’s a soulseer it can be explosive bubbles by default too

despite her usage of feminine pronouns, masculine pronouns can be used as well as she sometimes used her disguise as a male to fend off possible threats.