Trish's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

kokebii Global Rules you must read and abide by these upon owning one of my designs!

Some general rules from my TOS for convenience, although if something you're wondering about isn't here, check my full TOS linked above. Breaking any of these rules, especially multiple times may lead to a blacklisting and an inability to own any of my designs/art in the future.

Please consult my blacklist before you trade any of my designs.

 -My designs must stay on Toyhouse, and only one user may own them at a time. Co-owning is allowed but only one account may have the character's profile.  

-My designs must stay visible to me at all times. If you would like to priv your character, please add me to your auth. list before doing so. Do not delete profiles for any reason. If you have blocked me and own any of my designs, it’s still your responsibility to have my designs visible to me. You can create auth keys which will allow me to see my designs whilst keeping the block intact. 

-Do not resell designs for a higher price than you bought them for. You may add created or Commissioned media/art to their total worth. 

-You may resell designs that have been traded for the amount the design was worth at the time of trading/or if you have added extra art. If no worth is listed then you may not resell except for the amount that may have been added after trading. 

-Gifted designs may not be resold, only traded or re-gifted. Any worth is voided upon gifting.

If something wasnt listed in the linked TOS or if you have any questions, please message me (kokebii) here, or on instagram ( @kokebii_) or twitter (@kokebees) for a faster response. Thank you :3